quarta-feira, 28 de novembro de 2007

Sexual Crimes and the Vatican


Shenanigans Extracts
The BBC documentary Sexual Crimes and the Vatican is based on a 1962 memo from the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. “The document reaffirmed the inviolability of the seal of confession, but the BBC film said that it was intended to ‘protect and hide’ abusive priests….There was to be an oath of secrecy on the child victim, the priest, and any witnesses. The document was revised in 2001 to deal more specifically with sex abuse cases, but it still remained secret. And before being elected Pope in 2005, it was then Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger who headed the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, the Vatican department that enforced the rules.” (1)
According to CNN, Father Joseph Feit, confessed to a fellow clergyman that he had raped and killed young women in 1960 at McAllen Texas. Instead of being told to turn himself in, he was shielded and counselled at Assumption Abbey Monastery in Ava, Missouri. Now, after almost half a decade, one of his “counsellors” has told the story. (2)
Herbert KuhnerCatholic Shenanigans
We have heard so much talk in Austria from Bishops Andreas Laun and Kurt Krenn about abortion, which they describe as “murder in the womb.” According to Laun, if a child is raped and becomes pregnant, the child should have the child. (3) Here’s Laun making comparisons: “Hitler would have been delighted with legalized abortion.” (4) (Laun needs to polish up his history. In the Third Reich performing abortions was a capital crime.)
Pope John Paul II went on in the same vein and compared abortion with the Holocaust.(5)
I’d like to ask these clergymen what they have to say about murder after birth. The suffering of a murdered victim ceases after he has been killed. The practice of pedophilia is tantamount to murder, only the victim continues to live after he has been spiritually killed. The word “Holocaust” would certainly be more appropriate to describe the fate of these victims.
Here are some humanistic views by two theologians concerning contraception and incest:
Monsignor Carlo Caffarra: “According to Church Law it is ethical for a man to infect his whole family with aids, including his children. For it is Mortal Sin to prevent this from happening by the use of condoms….A man who has been infected with aids is justified in cohabiting with his wife. If he uses condoms, he is committing a Mortal Sin.” (6)
Peter de Rosa: “Masturbation is a sin more grievous than the rape of one’s own daughter. The latter is more ‘natural’ since an incestuous rape can at least lead to the birth of a child.” (7)
Let us give Caffarra and de Rosa the benefit of a doubt. Perhaps they real mean what they say, and perhaps they really think that they are speaking on behalf of the Deity.
If so, they are rigidly adhering to principles, even if it means the disregarding common sense and totally negating compassion.
I know that I’m letting my emotions get the better of me, but I say they are not on the side of the angels but rather are trodding are straight and narrow path to perdition in seven league boots. On the other hand, you can’t condemn a man for not knowing any better, so their destination can’t be subterranean. It’s a delightful little terrestrial state known as the Land of Wicky-Wacky-Woo.
And here’s an example of religious law and order: Cardinal Bernhard Law of Boston has been instrumental in protecting pedophiles from the law. In his Boston diocese, 60 churches were forced to close due to pedophile scandals. Law, who is a fugitive from American law, hightailed it to Rome where he is sitting pretty.
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