quarta-feira, 28 de novembro de 2007




These 32 DVD or VHS tapes will fill all the gaps in the Conspiracy Theory arguments for you. The facts and documentation presented will educate you to the fact that there is no "Theory" involved. Purchased separately - $495 + $23.25 shipping. We offer this package of 37 hours of education for $300. and we pay the shipping. SEE BELOW FOR DETAILS

Read "Conspiracy Theory" before you invest in your education!

CAN NOT… WILL NOT… SHALL NOT… This is a 2 ½ hour explanation on the changes made to our language and how these changes are used in our schools to dumb down our children and teach them to be good little followers. It is one of the strongest tools used against a Americans to rob them of their thought process and destroy their heritage. Dean Gotcher has studied this phenomenon for many years and gives a dynamic and understandable presentation. 2 ½ hours $20 [ORDER] "CAN NOT, WILL NOT"

CELSIUS 506.1 - A NATION OF SHEEPLE - Serious questions are raised about the 9-11 events and the historic chronology that followed. Clips are included in regards to "where's the plane" at the pentagon, and why was the "Patriot" act written a year before the event. Many more questions are also raised about the preemptive strike on Iraq. One Hour $16 [ ORDER ] "CELSIUS 506.1"

CONNECT THE DOTS -- The guest, investigative reporter and author Pat Shannan goes into detail about government cover-ups such as the Oklahoma City bombing, JFK assassination, JFK Jr. plane crash, and much more. One hour - $16 [ ORDER ] "CONNECT THE DOTS"

CONSPIRACY THEORY ? - Brendan and Dennis discuss the many issues presented on previous programs and the irregularities that at a minimum, raise eyebrows. Some topics brought out are medical, taxes, mind control, chem trails, judicial system, stupid laws and on and on. A description is also given of a day in the life of John Q. US Citizen who believes he is free. this program is a total thought provoker with a large serving of humor. The conclusion drawn from this show is that there is no Conspiracy Theory because there is no theory. One Hour $16 [ORDER] "CONSPIRACY THEORY" Conspiracy Theory Explained - The Entire Article

DO YOU KNOW WHAT IT MEANS TO MISS NEW ORLEANS? – Hosted by Juanita Cox this program features Leonard Schweitzer (Inventor and thinking philosopher) and Jerry E. Smith (Author of “H.A.A.R.P. The Ultimate Weapon of the Conspiracy.”) Discussion centers on facts that the major news media is not covering. Is it possible that man or more specifically government could make a natural disaster worse? Is it possible frequencies like HAARP could have created this weather or directed the hurricane? Did someone blow the levees? Were there supplies and help that was stopped by government officials? Was there really a delay? Who is telling lies? Judge for yourself. One hour $25 [ Special ][ Special ]

DO YOU KNOW WHAT IT MEANS TO MISS NEW ORLEANS, Part 2 - Isha (in the studio) and Sharifa are sisters. Sharifa is a New Orleans victim of hurricane Katrina and tells her experience (by phone) of leaving the devastated city. This story is quite different from what the major media would have you believe. i.e. military threats of being shot for trying to leave the Superdome and the “failure" of the levees in strategic locations the day after the storm. This is the real story from someone who lived it. Every American needs to be aware of the truth and here it is. This program also teaches and inspires in the areas of humanitarianism and culture. One Hour $25 [ Special ]

EXPLODING THE MYTHS - The importance of claiming your sovereignty is explained in great detail by Johnny Liberty. Your life can be structured to do just that when you learn how to live and survive in a world where the government wants to dictate your every move. Years of research have resulted in Johnny's seminars and the ability to present these methods to enjoy a completely sovereign life for you and your family. 1.4 Hours - $20 [ORDER] "EXPLODING THE MYTHS"

THE FIRST AMERICAN REVOLUTION - Guest Joe Enge was "released" from his job teaching history after it was discovered that he was citing historical facts and significance rather than the revisionist warm and fuzzy approach to American history. Joe presents the factual story to the audience in an effort to remind people what our Founding Fathers did in order to break free of a tyrannical government. History is again repeating itself and without citizen awareness the outcome of the First American Revolution will reverse itself. When people are presented with the facts and understand them, the situation in America today will be corrected. One Hour $16 [ ORDER ] "FIRST AMERICAN REVOLUTION"
THE GIFT OF THE REPUBLIC - With so many people working and researching the confusion and lawful discrepancies purposely put upon us by the "leaders" of our country to rob us of our labor and liberties, it has become a horrific time-wasting pattern for the frustrated to point fingers and blame others working toward the same goal. The answer to who's right is simple. We are all correct and the bickering is exactly what the powers wishing to control us want. The fact is, our Founding Fathers gave us a free Republic in the original Constitution for the united States of America acknowledging the Freedom of Americans granted by their creator. This document has been changed to a dictatorship using the CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, a corporation in which the American people are subservient to government as licensed chattel. Every problem that dedicated, hard-working and Freedom-loving people research and contest, stems from this fact. Marcia: Willardson and Charles-C.: Miller from the Reification Group explain how you can regain your Freedom by accepting the responsibilities and returning to the Republic which was never destroyed, only vacated. 90 Minutes - $20 [ ORDER ] "GIFT OF REPUBLIC"

H.A.A.R.P. - Jerry E. Smith is the author of the book by the same name. While many official explanations of the use of this giant radio signal transmitter have been given, they defy all logic and common sense in justifying this tremendous expenditure to the American public. The possibilities for weaponizing and mind-control however are limitless as explained by the author. When secrecy and double-talk and cover-up surround a government project, it is inevitably not good for America's citizens. One Hour - $16 - Jerry E. Smith is the author of the book by the same name. While many official explanations of the use of this giant radio signal transmitter have been given, they defy all logic and common sense in justifying this tremendous expenditure to the American public. The possibilities for weaponizing and mind-control however are limitless as explained by the author. When secrecy and double-talk and cover-up surround a government project, it is inevitably not good for America's citizens. One Hour - $16 - Jerry E. Smith is the author of the book by the same name. While many official explanations of the use of this giant radio signal transmitter have been given, they defy all logic and common sense in justifying this tremendous expenditure to the American public. The possibilities for weaponizing and mind-control however are limitless as explained by the author. When secrecy and double-talk and cover-up surround a government project, it is inevitably not good for America's citizens. One Hour - $16

H.A.A.R.P. Part Two – Author Jerry Smith delves into the possibilities and capabilities of H.A.A.R.P. in weather control and more aspects not covered in part one. The possibilities for weaponizing and mind-control are limitless as explained by the author. When secrecy and double-talk and cover-up surround a government project, it is inevitably not good for America's citizens. One Hour - $16 [ ORDER ] "H.A.A.R.P. 1 OR 2 OR BOTH" Both videos on single DVD or VHS - $25

IGNORANCE IS NOT BLISS - In an attempt to wake up Americans who are unaware of being unaware, Brendan and Dennis skip through a variety of topics including, political parties, forced vaccinations, chemtrails, Mercury fillings, voting and ballotless voting machines, major media news reporting (or lack thereof) and more topics that dictate awareness and common sense on the part of American Citizens. In addition to being informative this program is also very entertaining. One Hour $16 - In an attempt to wake up Americans who are unaware of being unaware, Brendan and Dennis skip through a variety of topics including, political parties, forced vaccinations, chemtrails, Mercury fillings, voting and ballotless voting machines, major media news reporting (or lack thereof) and more topics that dictate awareness and common sense on the part of American Citizens. In addition to being informative this program is also very entertaining. One Hour $16 - In an attempt to wake up Americans who are unaware of being unaware, Brendan and Dennis skip through a variety of topics including, political parties, forced vaccinations, chemtrails, Mercury fillings, voting and ballotless voting machines, major media news reporting (or lack thereof) and more topics that dictate awareness and common sense on the part of American Citizens. In addition to being informative this program is also very entertaining. One Hour $16

IGNORANCE IS Still NOT BLISS - A continuation of part 1, includes more discussion on Mercury Amalgam fillings with two video clips demonstrating the effect of Mercury on brain cells and video of Mercury vapors coming from a 25 year old extracted tooth. Vaccinations, Chemtrails and the P.A.T.R.I.O.T. act are also discussed along with the frustrations caused by the non-reactions from American citizens who are being poisoned and manipulated. Audience involvement with questions and observations make this even more of an educational tool. One Hour - $16 [ ORDER ] "BLISS 1 OR 2 OR BOTH" Both videos on single DVD or VHS - $25 - A continuation of part 1, includes more discussion on Mercury Amalgam fillings with two video clips demonstrating the effect of Mercury on brain cells and video of Mercury vapors coming from a 25 year old extracted tooth. Vaccinations, Chemtrails and the P.A.T.R.I.O.T. act are also discussed along with the frustrations caused by the non-reactions from American citizens who are being poisoned and manipulated. Audience involvement with questions and observations make this even more of an educational tool. One Hour - $16 [ ORDER ] "BLISS 1 OR 2 OR BOTH" Both videos on single DVD or VHS - $25

ILLUMINATI, THE - Guest Ted Gunderson, FBI Senior Special Agent in Charge (ret) gives a full and understandable explanation of the intent of this organization by describing the 25 goals set in 1776. You will be amazed at how well they have done with their intent to control the world. One hour - $16 [ORDER] "ILLUMINATI"

JORDAN MAXWELL is a historian and explains the hidden meanings and origin of many words and symbols we use and see everyday. For example, do you know where the word attorney came from. In ancient times when the King or other Rulers wanted your property, wife or daughter, he sent out an errand boy completely lacking in morals to steal your property or whatever the Rulers wanted and return that property to the Ruler. For this he got a percentage of the take. This creature was called an atturn, and become the forerunners of our creatures now called attorneys. Jordan goes on and on with explanations of his research. You will not only be amazed but you will better understand what is being secretly said. 4.5 hrs $45. [ ORDER ] "JORDAN MAXWELL"

LEAVING YOU BREATHLESS – Juanita Cox show video clips and give explanations of the "mysterious" chemtrails that have been filling our skies. The difference between contrails a natural occurrence and chemtrails an introduction of chemicals into our skies is shown and explained. The second part of this program deals with "Cogen" Co-Generating electrical plants that are being placed around the country to help clean-up forests, sawdust and wood chips by burning them to create electricity. Sounds good, however when these plants are used to burn waste other than clean wood chips they become potentially dangerous to people living near them. This program is one of the most powerful we have done. One hour - $16 [ ORDER ] "BREATHLESS"

NORTH AMERICAN UNION * With plans laid, agreements made, financing allocated, flowery website presentations on line and construction underway, Mexico, Canada and the United States are being connected. All this without congressional approval, treaty or hearings. However, this project does boast media silence. Watch and listen to Janine Hansen as she presents provable facts that once again presents the national question of alert Americans. What hell is going on here? (Run Time One hour) $16 [ ORDER ] "Nau"

OKLAHOMA CITY BOMBING - Guest Ted Gunderson, FBI Senior Special Agent in Charge (ret) gives a full and understandable explanation of how the government version is impossible and sheds light on what must have been involved to create the damage done. One hour - $16 [ ORDER ] "OKLAHOMA CITY BOMBING"

ONE NATION UNDER SURVEILLANCE - Many aspects of philosophy are explored here and methods used for manipulation of people. This group of people analyze common sense and what happened to it in our society. Many specific examples and events are given in this program. One Hour $16 [ ORDER ] "ONE NATION SURVEILLANCE 1"

ONE NATION UNDER SURVEILLANCE II – A continuation of part 1. Many aspects of philosophy are explored here and methods used for manipulation of people. This group of people analyzes common sense and what happened to it in our society. One Hour $16 [ ORDER ] "ONE NATION SURVEILLANCE 2" Both Programs $25 "Surveillance 1 & 2"

PATRIOT ACT II – The End – Dennis Grover is joined by activist Dan Joseph to discuss many of the absurd and unconstitutional provisions of the Patriot Act II. This one is a real eye-opener and if you are not aware of its existence. I highly recommend this one be viewed and passed around to Americans who cherish their inherent Rights and Freedom. One hour - $16 [ORDER] "PATRIOT ACT II"

PLAYING IN TRAFFIC – This program explores the fraud and deception used in regards to the "Driver License, vehicle registration and all other aspects of the constitutionally guaranteed right to travel. Look on your license and see if it says "Driver License" or "Drivers License," if it is the first then you should know what the legal definition of a "Driver" is. You should also find out why every state has a Dept. of Motor Vehicles and not a Dept. of Automobiles. There is a major difference that might surprise you. One hour - $16 [ORDER] "PLAYING IN TRAFFIC"

ROAD APPLES AND MEADOW MUFFINS - Since the subjects in the title are no longer confined to the barnyard, Brendan Trainor joins Dennis Grover for a humorous and factual discussion on what our "leaders," major news networks and major talk radio programs are up to and how they are trying to cover-up the truth. Topics include the bird flu scare and forced vaccinations, indictments against top leaders, Americans imprisoned for attempting to introduce the law into courtrooms, the past election, media induced brain-washing and much more. One hour - $16 [ORDER] "ROad apples" Read Inspired Article

SECURE AMERICA NOW - On January 21, 2006, Angela "Bay" Buchanan spoke to a packed room at the Peppermill Hotel Casino in Reno, Nevada. She gave a dynamic presentation of the illegal immigration crisis in America. Her presentation of the relevant facts and the behind the scenes activities of our elected representatives is both inspiring and maddening. Bay is an expert on this issue working with Senator Tom Tancredo R-Colorado, founder of Team America Political Action Committee. This is a presentation that every proud American citizen needs to understand. 58 minutes $25 [ ORDER ] "SECURE AMERICA"

SOCIAL(ist) ENGINEERING – Dean Gotcher condenses an 8 hr lecture into this hour to introduce Americans to the manipulation of our language and how it is used to control us. He explains how Constitutionalists" are quickly identified in public meetings and judicial situations by their use of language and then how the attempts are made to mold them into a consensus. This is one of the most fascinating interviews I have done and highly recommend that you gain this insight for your own personal survival. One hour - $16 [ ORDER ] "SOCIAL(ist) ENGINEERING"

UNITED NATIONS AND THE NEW WORLD ORDER * Guest Ted Gunderson, FBI Senior Special Agent in Charge (ret) gives a full and understandable explanation of the relationship between these two entities. This tape is one more important piece of the puzzle. One hour - $16 [ ORDER ] "UN & NWO"

VATICAN ASSASSINS! – Author Eric Phelps gives his views and documentation/research on control of the Pope and world governments. Contains much "heavy-duty" information. One hour - $16 [ ORDER ] "VATICAN ASSASSINS 1"

VATICAN ASSASSINS II - Eric Phelps discusses many more subjects of control and explains 14th amendment citizenship, how it evolved and what you can do about it for yourself. The real reasons and myths behind the War Between the States (Civil War) is also eloquently exposed One hour - $16 [ ORDER ] "VATICAN ASSASSINS2" Both programs on one DVD or VHS - $25 Order "VATICAN ASSASSINS 1 & 2"

VOICE OF LIBERTY - Brent Johnson, "Voice of Freedom" radio host and sovereignty researcher explains sovereignty and what it takes to be sovereign. Years of research have gone into Brent's presentation and whether or not anyone intends to pursue true independence from government, the information gained from this program is invaluable. An informal question and answer session is also included following the live program presentation. - One Hour+ $16 [ORDER] "VOICE OF LIBERTY"

WHO ARE THESE TERRORISTS? - Don Harkins, editor of the Idaho Observer is the guest and the newest "Anti-Terrorist" legislation is discussed in an effort to educate Americans as to what it really means to Freedom. There is absolutely no rational relationship between the 9-11 attack and what Congress is proposing. Forced vaccinations and quarantines is also discussed under the proposed new "Emergency Health Powers Act" being introduced in all state legislatures. Much insight can be gained from this program. One hour - $16 [ ORDER ] "WHO ARE THESE TERRORISTS"

WORD GAMES - Dennis and Brendan team up to explain how words and their meaning have been manipulated to make you believe that you are saying or being told one thing while in fact the legal meanings and ramifications are something entirely different. Watch out especially in court room situations the use of many words can cause your statements to be detrimental to your intent. Another case of innocent people walking out of a court room scratching their heads wondering what just happened. One Hour $16 [ ORDER ] "WORD GAMES"

These 32 DVD or VHS tapes will fill all the gaps in the Conspiracy Theory arguments for you. The facts and documentation presented will educate you to the fact that there is no "Theory" involved. Purchased separately - $495 + $23.25 shipping. We offer a package of these 37 hours of education for $300. and we pay the shipping.




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