quarta-feira, 28 de novembro de 2007

Conclave demands strict secrecy


« Fire Fighters Seek Study of Cell Phone Tower Radiation | Home | Dapat offers Malaysian Government free setup for SMS disaster alert » April 7, 2005
Conclave demands strict secrecy
Interesting insight from Associated Press on the ritual-filled process of electing a new pope, in an age of media leaks and cell phones.

"Excommunicatioon, the severest of punishments await anyone who breaks the sacred oath of secrecy during a conclave.

John Paul's guidelines, “Universi Dominici Gregis,” or “Shepherd of the Lord's Whole Flock,” call for a near-monastic existence for the 116 cardinals who will vote in the conclave: no newspapers, magazines, radio or TV. For the duration of the vote, they can't communicate with anyone—in person, by phone or letter -- who hasn't been vetted by the Vatican and taken an oath of secrecy.

But with 3,500 accredited journalists roaming Vatican City and a world desperate to learn of the cardinals' deliberations, many are wondering if news of a new pope will get out before the white smoke leaves the Sistine Chapel's chimney."

emily | 5:10 PM | SMS and Religion |
The Permanent Link to this page is: http://www.textually.org/textually/archives/2005/04/007845.htm

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