The New Sci-Fi Pope and Black Demons...
Remembering Sherman Skolnick and His Fight to Warn Americans About Vatican Corruption
Greg Szymanski's New Investigative Journal Radio Show and the Daily Inquistion News - Revealing the Vatican Controlled New World Order Planet Earth - Returning us to the Dark Ages - Coming Soon, Featuring Free Archives 24/7!....Greg's New Show Will Air Monday Thru Friday With New Time And Date To Be Announced...Great Guests....Important Information!....A Heart Felt Thanks To Readers And Listeners For Your Donations To Keep Arctic Beacon Alive. We Will Be Independently Producing A New Show. Please Donate To Help Get Our New Show And Website Started.
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Remembering Sherman Skolnick and His Fight to Warn Americans About Vatican Corruption'The Cuban strongman, Fidel Castro, was and is a Jesuit,' said Skolnick, 'hiding behind a left-wing label. Castro never disbanded the Catholic Church in Cuba. Under Vatican Canon Law, a Catholic leader of a nation, like JFK, that attacks another Catholic leader and nation, is subject to a Death Warrant.'
By Greg SzymanskiNov 15. 2007Before Sherman Skolnick's untimely passing in 2006, he was right on the money about the Vatican and their Jesuit enforcers, warning Americans about a Papal Inquisition coming to the U.S.Skolnick passed away May, 22, 2006 and before he did, we had many late night conversations about Vatican infiltration in U.S. foreign and domestic policy.About two weeks before his passing, I remember him saying in one of our late night conversations:"The papacy and the criminals in the U.S. government are working hand in glove, especially in the judiciary and the Federal Reserve banking system. Did you know the Jesuits run Bank of America with their partners in the Japanese mafia?" he said in his matter-of-fact style. "But, remember, if you want to get it right, if you want to figure out their game, always look left when the facts in the corrupt press tell you to look right. "That's why I work at night: so I can read the morning propaganda before it hits the newsstands."As many of you already know, Skolnick began investigating judicial corruption in my hometown of Chicago in the 60's. In the old days, he was hated by Mayor Daley and the Cook County judges, as he put an Illinois Supreme Court Justice behind bars as well as former Gov. Otto Kerner.Every day from his South side bungalow, he investigated tirelessly and with never-ending enthusiasm, despite being crippled from childhood polio, trying to wake-up Americans to the satanic partnership between the Vatican, Mafia and world leaders.Here is a two-part series he was still working on at the time of his death about Jesuit and Vatican corruption:
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Sing Along With Paul Simon's New World Order KodachromeWhen I think back on all the crap I learned from Alex Jones, it's a wonder I can think at all...but more and more Americans are catching on to how Jesuit disinfo works.By Greg SzymanskiNov. 13, 2007More and more Americans are starting to catch-on to the partnership between Papal Rome and the U.S. government. One beast working with the other is a better way to put it as church and state join satanic forces with a Dark Ages Inquisition on the horizon.And as Paul Simon sang Kodachrome, let's sing along with these Vatican-led New World Order lyrics:When I look back On all the crap I learned from Alex JonesIt's a wonderI can think at all. And although my life of net lis..teningHasn't hurt me noneI can see the Jesuit shills on the wallGeorgetownYou are my only saviorYou are the dark of Satan... Makes you think all the worlds a 'gay Sunday', oh yeahI've got a Georgetown cameraI love to take porn...picturesSo mama don't take my Georgetown U away!!!And sometimes a good song is a good way to get a point across especially when Jesuit shills like Jones ignore hundreds of years of history pinning the Vatican as the driving satanic force behind the New World Order.
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Americans Kept In Dark Ages About Satanic Partnership Among Vatican, Jesuits, U.S. And World LeadersIt's truly amazing that the world knows so little about the Vatican-satanic power behind Hitler and now Bush. A new book, Germany and the Holy Roman empire helps clear up some hidden history.By Greg SzymanskiNov. 12, 2007History has a funny way of getting in the way of modern day political and religious agendas.With fascism the government of choice by U.S. leaders and America's mainstream and alternative media making it possible by ignoring the "real New World Order (NWO) roots, a book like "Germany and the Holy Roman Empire" by Gerald Flurry is a must read.It is a must read for people wanting to better understand how the Vatican and Jesuit-led NWO really works.Besides this book, it is imperative Americans start reading more about hidden history about Papal Rome's real power, ambition and control since the U.S. Government together with their satanic partners in crime -- the Vatican and Jesuit Order hierarchy -- fully intend to bring a modern-day Inquisition to their U.S. shores just like it did in Europe during the Dark Ages.The reason the cause of freedom, justice and equality seems rather bleak and hopeless is that a majority of Americans have been kept in the dark just like the people in the Dark Ages when it comes to the satanic partnership between the Vatican and world leaders, together forming the NWO.And with this evil partnership built on deception and double-talk, the elite are able to orchestrate wars, controlling the outcome from both sides while, at the same time toppling freedom and independence in almost every country in the world.Another reason to read more about Vatican and Jesuit corruption is further exemplified by an email sent to the Arctic Beacon, indicating how people have been kept in the dark and a Veteran's Day sermon made in the Calvary Chapel, a supposed Bible-believing independent church in Nederland, Co.
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Hot Arctic Story!!
Truman Saga Continues
Researchers Claim Former President Truman Was Just Another President Who 'Kissed the Slippers of the Pope'He would never say anything to criticize the Vatican, claim researchers like Eric Jon Phelps, since the Grand Master of Missouri Freemasonry was nothing more than a Jesuit shillBy Greg Szymanski, JDNov. 11, 2007More information has come forward indicating the letter circulating around the internet where former President Harry Truman chastised Pope Pius XII for his involvement with Hitler and the Nazi Party was nothing more than a hoax.Although the historical facts presented in the letter found in a Nov. 9, 2007, article in the Arctic Beacon archives are true about the Vatican's Nazi connection and their 1933 concordat with Hitler, the words could not have been penned by Truman since, according to several researchers, "Dirty Harry" as he is known by the Japanese, was working "hand in glove" with the Jesuit Order and Vatican hierarchy.Asked in a past interview how does Shriner Freemason President Harry Truman’s signing into law of the Emergency War Powers Act of 1950 factor into the Jesuit Agenda, Eric Jon Phelps, author of Vatican Assassins, said: First of all, Harry Truman, who the Japanese called “Dirty Harry”—when they heard the movie Dirty Harry came out, they thought it was a movie about Harry Truman, according to my Japanese pastor friend, Daniel Fuji, who has passed away. Read More
Harry Truman Letter Connecting Vatican to Nazi Party Most Likely A HoaxBut if Truman didn't write it, he should have because much of what was said about the Vatican was absolutely true.By Greg SzymanskiNov. 10, 2007The scathing letter from former President Harry Truman to Pope Pius XII, connecting the Vatican to the Nazi Party, has to be one of the many hoaxes circulating on the internet. The letter appears in the Nov. 9, 2007, Arctic Beacon archives and supposedly appeared in an obscure South American publication in 1959.However, considering Truman's allegiance to the Jesuit Order, his status as a Grand Master of Missouri Masonic Lodge and the following verifiable correspondence between Pope Pius XII and Truman who, by the way, were very close friends and working partners in advancing war and mass murder, it appears rather doubtful Truman would ever criticize the Pope.One thing for sure, if the letter was a hoax, it was a letter that should have been written by Truman and every President that followed him, considering the verifiable evil past of the Vatican and Jesuit Order.
In the following exchange between Truman and Pope Pius XII the true working relationship between the U.S. and the Vatican is quite evident.
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Watch These Clips
The Real Terrorists In Washington here
Keith Obermann and Forerunner TV Live...Click Here
One World Religion...Click Here
The Pope's So Gay! Click Here
He'll Probably Think This Song Is About Him
Demonic Mary Apparitions! Click Here
Skull and Bones and the Dark Castle...Be Prepared to be 'Skullified', a Hidden Jesuit Hobby...Watch this and Click Here
Mother Mary's Stars On EU Flag: Papal Rome Controls Europe...Click Here
Hot Arctic News!!!
Thought Crime Bill, HR1955, Passes House; 404 Traitors Voting Yes
Although blatantly unconstitutional under its vague guidelines, once rubber stamped by Senate and Bush, it can be easily proven that the traitors passing it into law are, in fact, 'homegrown terrorists.'
By Lee RogersOctober 25, 2007The U.S. House of Representatives recently passed HR 1955 titled the Violent Radicalization and Homegrown Terrorism Prevention Act of 2007.
This bill is one of the most blatant attacks against the Constitution yet and actually defines thought crimes as homegrown terrorism.
If passed into law, it will also establish a commission and a Center of Excellence to study and defeat so called thought criminals. Unlike previous anti-terror legislation, this bill specifically targets the civilian population of the United States and uses vague language to define homegrown terrorism.
Amazingly, 404 of our elected representatives from both the Democrat and Republican parties voted in favor of this bill. There is little doubt that this bill is specifically targeting the growing patriot community that is demanding the restoration of the Constitution. First let’s take a look at the definitions of violent radicalization and homegrown terrorism as defined in Section 899A of the bill.The definition of violent radicalization uses vague language to define this term of promoting any belief system that the government considers to be an extremist agenda.
Since the bill doesn’t specifically define what an extremist belief system is, it is entirely up to the interpretation of the government. Essentially they have defined violent radicalization as thought crime. The definition as defined in the bill is shown below. Read More
Suffering Patriarchy: Men Read This
The book above is a free publication, placed here to help Fathers and those scholars seeking to understand the present Apartheid being inflicted against American Males and especially, the Institution of Fatherhood.
Conspiracy Within Alternative Media
Watch This
Watch These Vatican Puppets!!
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Slats Learned True Anti-Christ System Is The Papacy From Reading Bible While Building Replica NWO Coliseum In Kansas Corn FieldJesuits still spreading propaganda about Anti-Christ to protect Vatican. Books and movies, one a New York Times best seller called Left Behind, are just modernized versions of false Jesuit Anti-Christ theories dating back from the 1500s and the Council of Trent.By Greg SzymanskiOct. 29, 2007Freedom fighter Slats Grobnik has been holed-up at a Kansas farm for the last six months, contemplating his journey to save America while building an exact replica of the Roman Coliseum to protest the Vatican-led New World Order.Besides working on the Coliseum, Slats is trying to figure out the truth about the Anti-Christ.
"I think I'll use the Bible as my true source because before you have to understand and believe in Jesus Christ before understanding the Anti-Christ," said Slats, referring people to this informative video about Anti-Christ. The video is below:
And just like Kevin Costner's movie character in Field of Dreams, considered crazy for building a baseball field in the middle of a corn field, so Slats is considered nuts for wasting a good corn crop and building the Coliseum.
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Does Bush, the Black Pope, Larry King and Alex Jones Have the Guts to take this Vatican Quiz?In this Confession to the Jesuits No. 35, we encourage everyone to take the following multiple choice test, prepared by truth seeker Darryl Eberhart, in order to really get to know what's behind the black robes of the Vatican and Jesuit Order.By Greg SzymanskiOct. 27, 2007In this Confession to the Jesuits No. 35, we present a multiple choice test for Jesuit Gen. Fr. Hans Kolvenbach and the Satanic hierarchy of the Vatican to fill-out and send back to the Arctic Beacon. We also encourage that the Bush family, the Clinton family, Rudy Giuliani, Ron Paul, the Senate, the Congress, the Supreme Court and all others in our three branches of government take the test.Furthermore, we encourage top members of the mainstream and alternative media like Larry King and Alex Jones to take the test since they are obviously covering up the news about the New World Order, protecting their real masters, the Jesuit Order and the Vatican.As a side note, if you know any of the above individuals or want to take the initiative of sending the quiz to any of them, please let us know and let us know if they take the time to respond. If they don't, you can be assured they are part of the Vatican-led New World Order.The 52 question quiz was prepared by truth seeker, Darryl Eberhart for the following reasons as stated:
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Confession to the Jesuits No.34: Is the Society of Jesus Planning Another Staged Hollywood Fantasy Mother Mary Siting?According to Preacher M.L. Knox "any possible planned 'light-show' this month from the Jesuits and Catholic "church" could also be part of an actual sneak-attack upon us due to the Knights Templar factor."By Greg Szymanski, JDOct. 16, 2007In this Confession to the Jesuits NO.34, Preacher M.L. Knox reminds us of Fatima, calling it the biggest "light-show" that the S.J. boys (Jesuits) whooped up 90 years ago and it was the greatest 'apparition' that their witchcraft had ever produced."Knox, a Bible-believing Christian who detests Satan worship, also reminds us that "this apparition has been one of the greatest forces of our time for the coming one-world religion of the Anti-Christ and False Prophet."According to Knox and other researchers, Mother Mary apparitions have always been an amusing fantasy, bringing in big bucks for the Jesuit and Vatican coffers.These fake Mother Mary sitings at Fatima 1917, San Sebastian de Garabandal, Spain, in 1961 and Medjugorie in 1982, say critics, are like the Vatican's version of a Hollywood blockbuster, perfectly staged and perfectly orchestrated for big box office take as they prepare the world for the "Great Fantasy Chastisement."The Vatican's version of Medjugorje and the other sitings is as follows and early in this series of purported apparitions, Mary reportedly revealed her message to the world: Read More
Alex Jones Calls Vatican Critics and "Catholics Run It All Crowd" Mentally Ill and Liars
He also criticizes people who present history lessons critical to the Vatican, saying "it's all made up or it's twisted..."
By Greg Szymanski, JDOct. 10, 2007
Alex Jones has finally gone off the deep end, ranting and raving about the so-called "lying truth tellers" accusing him of being a Vatican shill controlled by their henchmen in the Jesuit Order.In the past several months, Jones has been the brunt of severe criticism by thousands of internet readers across the globe who question why he "can't read history and protects the Vatican." "I don't think he is used to getting this type of treatment but when the facts are presented to him regarding the history of the evil Jesuit Order and the Vatican, he reverts to name calling and will never deal with the true facts regarding the Vatican, the Jesuit Order and the Knights of Malta's involvement in the New World Order" said one Vatican researcher, who claims Jones' job is to keep the heat off Vatican intrigue.Jones recently said on what has become his fear-mongering radio show full of half truths that anyone who reads history and criticizes the Vatican are "mental cases and liars."Further, he claims that all history regarding the Vatican and Jesuit Order's involvement in things like Abraham Lincoln's assassination and the Nazi Party are "made up." Read More
Confession to the Jesuits No.33: Many Researchers Know Jesuits Control Mainstream and Much of Alternative MediaResearcher Darryl Eberhart hopes alternative media will begin policing itself when it comes to the massive cover-up of Papal Rome's crimesBy Greg Szymanski, JDOct. 8, 2007In this Confession to the Jesuits No.33, former military intelligence officer, Darryl Eberhart, tells Americans to beware of propagandists in the alternative media who are covering up the Vatican connection to the New World Order.He says, like many other researchers, watch out for people like Alex Jones, Jeff Rense, John Stadtmiller and his gang of "Jew Bashers" at RBN, as well as Texe Marrs, Pastor Butch Paugh and Ted Pike.In a recent open letter addressed to the alternative media, Eberhart added:"My hope & prayer is that the “alternative media” will POLICE itself concerning the massive cover-up of Papal Rome’s crimes, as well as the blaming of “the Jews” and Zionists for allegedly fomenting two world wars – and running the world – that is almost daily being propagated by MUCH of the “alternative media” – when TONS of evidence points to the Vatican-Papacy-Jesuits-Knights of Malta cabal as clearly being the #1 TOP Player in the New World Order “conspiracy”.
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Tony Gambino of the Gambino Crime Family Claims Vatican and U.S. Government Behind Pedophile And Drug RingsThe grandson of Lucky Luciano, Gambino is going public again with information nailing the real leaders of the New World OrderBy Greg SzymanskiOct. 6, 2007Tony Thomas Gambino of the infamous Gambino crime family is going public with information that could "change the face of America's corrupt leaders" and bring to the surface the real criminal organizations behind what has come to be known as the New World Order.Gambino, 63, recently came forward on Greg Szymanski's radio show, The Investigative Journal, saying the Vatican and U.S. government profit more from organized crime then does the Mafia.He will appear again on the Investigative Journal Monday at 7pm central time on Gambino said his prime motivation for telling the "inside details" of Mafia corruption is to prove to Americans how the Vatican and U.S. government work together in orchestrating the huge pedophile and drug rings that are destroying the fabric of American society."The information I will be bringing forward could change the face of America," said Gambino Saturday from his home after just being released from a 20 year prison stint. "I want people to know how the Vatican and U.S. government orchestrate the pedophile and drug trade."I know the truth about JFK, Hoffa and 9/11 and how the two organizations I mentioned above worked together with the mob and the CIA/FBI. They were responsible for JFK and 9/11 just like they are responsible for the pedophile rings and drug trafficking."
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...More Arctic Articles
Both Bush and Hitler Got Vatican 'Stamp of Approval' and Both Committed to Order of Skull and BonesAnd behind the scenes, lurking and pulling the fascist strings for the Vatican, is the corrupt and devious Jesuit Order who are nothing more, as history as shown, but a dangerous military order of deadly assassins who have infiltrated through their loyal minions almost every facet of American life.By Greg Szymanski, JDSept. 30, 2007There are many similarities to the rise in power of Adolf Hitler in Germany and the rise in power of the Bush family in America.Hitler, a Catholic committed to the Order of Skull and Crossbones, was groomed and placed in power by the Vatican and Jesuit Order in order to create a fascist regime, the Vatican's government of choice.And here in America George W. Bush, loyal to the Pope and committed to the Order of Skull and Bones, was also groomed by the Vatican and Jesuit Order in order to create a fascist regime, the passage of the Patriot Act and the destruction of the Constitution positive proof America is heading in that direction.Further proof that America is being "Nazified" is revealed in documents available in the Congressional Record, showing close ties between the Bush family and the Nazi Party ever since World War II, facts completely ignored by a compliant and corrupt Congress indicating a total treasonous sell-out and takeover of the U.S. government.And behind the scenes, lurking and pulling the fascist strings for the Vatican, is the corrupt and devious Jesuit Order who are nothing more, as history as shown, but a dangerous military order of deadly assassins who have infiltrated through their loyal minions almost every facet of American life. Just as Germany was infiltrated by the Jesuits bringing in Hitler to do their dirty work, so have the Jesuits infiltrated America to do the same, using the Bush family as their American version of Hitler.
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The Pope: "Your Life Depends On Sunday Worship"
Mafia In Italy Now A $140B Industry
Mother Teresa, John Paul II and Fast-Track Saints
Vatican Gay List
Jewish Congress Goes to Pope for Help! What Next?
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Mom Calls Pope "The Beast"; Loses Custody of Children
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U.S. Needs to End Concordat and Diplomatic Relations With Vatican...Here's One Reason Why
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U.N. Law of Sea Treaty on Senate
Iran Promises Final Response To U.S.
Seven CIA Vets Challenge 9/11 Commission Report
Arctic Beacon November Pledge Drive
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Robert-Arthur--Menard-Think-Free If you thought you were free, watch to this movie. See how to bust the government, a Canadian is stinging them well. The applied deception is the same in the USA, watch and learn.
Charlie Chaplin Speaks to Us - Bro Thomas
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Tuesday, Nov. 27, 2007 -- Tom Freiss is Greg's guest host.
Wednesday, Nov. 28, 2007 -- Tom Freiss is Greg's guest host.
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----------------------------------------------Präsentiert - Walther J. Veith - Nürnberg-Marienberg - Februar-2004, auf deutshe, auf englisch
Latest Cloak and Dagger Interview - Aug 27th, 2007
A little more about Skull & Bones and link to order Prof Veith DVD's
Walther J. Veith - 2005, auf englisch The Final Conflict - Sabbath or Sunday Worship burned or guillotine?
November Arctic Notes
Microwave Weaponry Used On Americans; Missouri State REP. Believes But Vatican Shill Ron Paul and Jesuit Corrupt Congress Won't say A Word
EXCERPT FROM MISSOURI REPRESENTATIVE JIM GUEST'S LETTER:-"October 10, 2007Dear Member of the Legislature and Friends: This letter is to ask for your help for the many constituents in our country who are being affected unjustly by electronic weapons torture and covert harassment groups. Serious privacy rights violations and physical injuries have been caused by the activities of these groups and their use of so-called non-lethal weapons on men, women, and even children. I am asking you to play a role in helping these victims and also stopping the massive movement in the use of Verichip and RFID technologies in tracking Americans. . . . . . . . ." Sincerely, Representative Jim Guest
Happy Thanksgiving
Dear Brethren and Friends,May the Lord bless you on this Thanksgiving Day. May we all remember this feast looks back to when the Protestant Pilgrims celebrated Thanksgiving with the native American Indians. God was beginning His deliverance from the pope's European Inquisition that had killed millions from 1215 to the early 1600s. Maybe the Lord will deliver us also from the pending papal Inquisition here in North America as we seek to humbly do His will SPIRITUALLY and POLITICALLY.Sincerely in faith,Brother Eric Jon Phelps
Vatican 'in deep' with Japanese Mafia and Chicago Bank Corruption...More from the archives of Sherman Skolnick
In 1984, I (Sherman Sklonick) was the first to make public statements about the massive run on the Continental Bank of Chicago. The principal owners, the Queen of England and the Vatican, had sold their shares some six weeks before the bank mess. Some 20 billion dollars had been given by Japanese criminals to the Continental's parent firm, a BANK HOLDING COMPANY, not subject to federal deposit insurance. The Japanese had fallen victim to false representations that their hot money was "deposited" in a "bank of deposit". In fact, the funds were given over to a BANK HOLDING COMPANY not covered by deposit insurance. A major owner of the BANK was the Chief Judge of the U.S. Court of Appeals, 7th Circuit, headquartered in Chicago and one step below the U.S. Supreme Court. Chief Judge Walter Cummings, Jr., was a "man of trust" for the Vatican, trusted to handle secretly their funds. Editors in Italy had previously confronted the Pontiff that the Vatican was the major force in Continental Bank linked to worldwide criminals. See: it was one of the reasons for the political assassination of Pope John Paul 1st, who lasted only 33 days in office, having been poisoned. "In God's Name", by David Yallop, 1983. The Chicago Tribune was tightly interwoven with Continental Bank and its criminal money laundry. Among other things, the Continental handled the Tribune's pension funds and other massive amounts. The Tribune in 1984, at the behest of their chief who was as stated also head of the Federal Reserve District Bank, finally ran an inside story on the run on the Continental Bank by the Japanese hot money crowd. The Tribune, of course, omitted from their stories that these were not just ANY Japanese. These were members of the Japanese mafia, the Yakuza. [See the book by Kaplan and Dubrow, "The Yakuza". On a radio show, the authors pointed out that in the 1980s, fifty percent of new buildings built downtown Chicago were owned by the Yakuza. Of course, the Tribune never mentioned THAT in their real estate sections.] Martial Law And Pakistan; Vatican Puppet Lou Dobbs
Greg,I was viewing the controlled media and I see that the constitution has been suspended in Pakistan. I see it as a NWO test for this country. I also seen Vatican puppet Lou Dobbs ask are the nukes secure in Pakistan. These people are always playing there part to condition Americans for the next planned attack. Check out these restrictions and think about it being the same way here in America. That's the plan.(AP) - A look at some of the restrictions and suspended rights in the state of emergency declared by Pakistani President Gen. Pervez Musharraf: _ Protection of life and liberty._ The right to free movement._ The right of detainees to be informed of their offense and given access to lawyers._ Protection of property rights._ The right to assemble in public._ The right to free speech._ Equal rights for all citizens before law and equal legal protection._ Media coverage of suicide bombings and militant activity is curtailed by new rules. Broadcasters also face a three-year jail term if they "ridicule" members of the government or armed forces.
True Beacon of Light
Greg,Congratulations! as always you are a true beacon of light, in a world darkness.Please ask Leo, with all due respect, (am aware of his superb knowledge of secret societies, and his fight against the menace) if he knows that Islam was contrived by the Vatican through collusion and manipulation of Muhammad's wife and her uncle?Thanks, Greg. Keep spreading the truth about the Red Menace: The Vatican, its Jesuits, Opus Dei, SMOM, CFR, etc. They're all working for the red dragon, Shaitan.God bless you, Greg. My regards and respect to you and to Leo Zagami: --Salam Alaikum
October Arctic Notes
Greg,I just finished listening to your Friday (Oct. 26 2007) show featuring Steve Wohlberg's teaching (from the Bible). I agreed with every single word that was said on that program! Steve is right on the money! Jesuit Ribera authored the futurist interpretation of end-time prophecy, and Jesuit Alcazar authored the Preterist "past" interpretation of end-time prophecy. BOTH ARE LIES straight from the pit to deceive God's people and to hide from the world that the Papacy is the Biblical Antichrist. And you can divide the entire Protestant world down these two lines. Almost no Protestant church knows or teaches the truth about the Papacy, the truth that virtually all the Protestant Reformers knew and taught.The questions that you gave your audience to ask their pastors were right on target. You literally placed your fist directly between the eyes of the "universal" deception that is destroying the Protestant Reformation. And your Friday show needs to be heard by every Protestant on the planet.I hope that you can arrange for Steve Wohlberg to personally appear on the program soon. His is the message that can bring the Protestants out of their spiritual drunkenness and make them to comprehend the great deception that stupefies them. Only then will they realize to come out of the Ecumenical churches and to worship God in spirit and in TRUTH. Only then will they realize who the Biblical Antichrist is!Thanks Greg, for a tremendous, powerful, and TRUTHFUL program!Tom Friess KCØEBM
Dear Greg,I sent you the website a while back that provides so many pictures of "papa the whore in Rome" Ratzinger and his minions in the positions of leadership in the world, giving Masonic handshakes. I was looking through the archives at different pictures and I found a picture of him and the Archbishop of San Francisco, William Levada.
You and your guests have pointed out that William Levada succeeded Pope Benedict XVI as the prefect for the Congregation of the Doctrine of Faith which is the Roman Catholic's church's top doctrinal position which is really the Office of Inquisition. This is the highest Vatican office ever held by an American. They admit all of this. This shows that the Inquisition is coming to this country. Americans and the world need to wakeup because as the United States goes, the world goes as well. Greg, keep it going. The truth is needed severely.God Bless, Shani Ingram
Thank you Greg, You worked in Rome? I am a former Catholic too.. I thank the Lord everyday that He brought me out of it.. I live in RI.. Many Catholics here.. The Lord opens doors for me to witness.. And I am finding that more and more Catholics here where I live.. Are open to discussion.. Because they know that the world is going downhill fast.. And they want to know the 'Truth'..I thank you Greg, for allowing me to post your articles.. I pray that many will listen and come out of that 'False Church'.. That's full of lies and deception..May our Lord bless you and your family Greg.. Love in Christ Jesus,Marianne
Dear Greg; keep doing what you're doing!I have become a daily listener to your program, and have started studying on my own. I was brought up a catholic, and we always knew there was corruption in the church. You heard vague rumors about this priest or that bishop or monsignor, but I had no idea just how deep it went.I recently dug out some old floppy disks with a bunch of literature from an outfit called the bank Of Wisdom, who have been for many years publishing a bunch of old books on different subjects.
Among these were a number of little books by a gentleman by the name of Joseph McCabe, who published a lot of wonderful material on what the Vatican was doing during the '30's, playing Germany, Italy and Japan against the Russians, and how they knew this would lead to war yet they continued, the more I find out, the less I realize I know about what's really been going on in this world.The Vatican seems to love totalitarian states because at heart that's what they have always been themselves!The Bank of Wisdom is still around and selling some excellent cds, including one on the Jesuits which I'm anxious to get and read.Thanks for the wonderful shows and you keep doing the research and opening folks' eyes.Regards, Daniel Gobeil
From Thomas Richards about Alex Jones:
Alex Jones mingles Vatican historians with reptilian, alien, Jew bashers, etc. He's covering for the most evil entity on the face of the earth. I'm glad to be a part of taking Jones down. The disinfo agent he is. He had a chance to do what was right. instead he defends his position and attacks us. I wouldn't be at all surprised if this is from the CIA. Notice how a supporter of Jones is threatening to even go to the CIA to inform them about me. Seems they know I'm not CIA or else they wouldn't be threatening me with the CIA.
What Side Is Former FBI Agent Ted Gunderson Really On?
It appears to me that former FBI agent Ted Gunderson is indeed a Jesuit Temporal Coadjutor. He always defends the late JFK assassin, 33rd Degree Freemason, Mafia protector, FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover claiming that he was not a sodomite; he never attacks the Jesuits---ever; he promotes Jesuit Coadjutors Alex Jones and Ron Paul; believes the Jesuit lie of the vision of Fatima; and defends the Papacy attacking only Satanism as did a former radio show host of years ago, "evangelical, Bible-believing," Jesuit Coadjutor Bob Larson. Like Jones, Monteith and Larson, Ted Gunderson has said some truthful things, but never, no never does he expose the power of Rome in the FBI or Spellman's past control of Hoover.If I am in error with this conclusion, I would appreciate a response in favor of Gunderson for my review.Sincerely in faith,Eric Jon Phelps
War Against Vatican, Jesuits, Illuminati and Freemasonry Going Strong In Italy; Story Hidden Here Because Vatican-led New World Order Has Control of Media.
Here is the latest from Italy from Leo Zagami, former Vatican and Monte Carlo P2 Lodge insider who recently defected from their evil ranks.
A couple of months ago we talked about Magistrate Luigi De Magistris who was in charge of the 'Why Not' and 'Poseidone' investigations which denounce power lobbies and associations belonging to the corrupt branches of Italian freemasonry connected with E.U.funding and so on... Also the prime minister Romano Prodi is under the same investigation, and suddenly De Magistris ends up himself under investigation and has to leave his work in Catanzaro in the hands of his superiors...very strange indeed so maybe we should all just say ´Why Not? 'The evil hand of the Vatican and his Catholicpoliticians like Mastella (so called Minister of Justice ) ends the great job started by dedicatedMagistrate De Magistris and once again kills the Italian justice system in the name of the usual corruption . We are witnessing the influence of these power structures connected to the illuminati in the Italian justice system . What should we do? What can we do? Some people in Italy react saying and writing on the walls:Forza De Magistris And others want to gather for De Magistris on Monday the 8th of October in front of the Supreme Court (CSM) in Piazza Indipendenza in Rome : The situation is very hot in Italy at the moment and the other Magistrate investigating irregular Freemasonry, Henry John Woodcock, is also being put under extreme pressure by his superiors lately.But it seems more and more people are gathering in the last few days in the city of Catanzaro and around the south of Italy to openly support the courageous work of Magistrate De Magistri.The italian RAI TV this evening his even dedicating a whole TV Show to the subject with popular TV journalist Santoro. Let's hope the work of De Magistris can still go on...let's hope this is the beginning of a true war against the Vatican Illuminati and their irrregular masonic lodges spread across Italy like a plague, a bad plague that rules the elite of the Mafia's So Why not? And can we trust the so called "Regulars" of the Grande Oriente D'Italia that in past was behind the P2 Lodge scandal to fight them...M'mm I'm not to sure about that...the P2 was and still is under different names verypresent in the south of Italy, and the Andrangheta are the army of the Jesuits in this desolate land: De Magistris needs to work without any problems and he needs to stay in Catanzaro so he can fight his enemy from his roots, De Magistris is a hero for the young people of the Calabria region in Italy and I hope soon a hero for the whole world fighting this evil Illuminazi scum. ------------------------------------------------
From: A. True Ott, ex-communicated Mormon. Ex-communicated for asking questions about the hierarchy of the Mormon ChurchI just received this from a "fan" in the U.K., who listened to my 2-hour interview on September 12 on the "Arctic Beacon" radio network. This philosophical quote he shared really hit hard, and I must say, makes all the logical sense in the world.Let me say, then, in this connection, that real understanding in spiritual matters is the result of much bitter fighting, of suffering, spiritual agony and soul passion. Life itself would have no meaning if there was no fighting on all planes, if all was smooth and monotonous. Everything fights in nature. Every plant fights to get more sunlight. Every animal fights for food; the angels themselves fight. Constant struggle on all planes to which it has access is the birthright of the creature. Woe to him who wants to put himself on a level with the Creator and escape fighting!-- Theodore Illion (Darkness over Tibet)In this light, I thank God every day for my experience in Mormonism, for the progressive journey out of its soul bondage (binding on earth, and binding in heaven) has led me to find the TRUE CHRIST and the PURE FREEDOM AND LOVE that comes with it! How can one truly become ONE with Christ, unless one first experiences (albeit naively) the "restored" high priesthood/gospel of Lucifer and then consciously FIGHTS against it? In other words, how can one truly hope to be a "joint heir" with Christ, unless one experiences (at least to some degree) what He actively fought to expose while in mortality? WE NEED TO UNDERSTAND THAT THE "BITTER FIGHT" BETWEEN GOOD AND EVIL, LIGHT AND DARKNESS, IS ETERNAL IN NATURE, AND IS ULTIMATELY THE ONLY WAY IN WHICH WE MAY POSSIBLY GAIN WISDOM THROUGH EXPERIENCE. No muscle is ever strengthened without resistance. The greater the resistance, the stronger the muscle. So it is with the spirit of man.With this TRUTH always in mind, is there ever any room in the soul for "fear" of what man may do? This is ultimately what is so very devious about Lucifer's plan; he seduces the masses with lies, half-truths, and then binds them to him spiritually by the tried and true power of peer-pressure and "tradition". He makes those who have embraced his "church" fear and tremble when "non-approved" literature and historical truths are presented to his flock. Thus he insulates and PROTECTS them from the FIGHT that pure TRUTH must eternally bear. In this way, his domination becomes complete - and true spirituality is taken from the soul, just as a muscle that is never flexed will soon wither and die. This is why Christ taught us to love each person, especially our enemies, but at the same time seek always to expose the protective cover of ignorance and darkness that ultimately cripples the soul. This to me is the driving force behind Shawn McCraney and his television ministry.
September Arctic Notes
Tom Friess Says: Stop Vatican Now Or America Doomed. He sends this message out every night on Ham Radio at KC0EBM, 3.944 Mhz. Here is part of his message:
Greg,You don't know me. We've never met or talked. But I'm one of your closest listeners. And I'm writing you to support you. And not only to support you spiritually, but also to support your show financially. Why? Because you and Eric Jon Jon Phelps of, and Tom Richards from, and Nic from, and Richard Bennett from, are the only ones I know who are willing to tell the undiluted truth no matter the cost. And I know it's tremendously costly. It's been extremely costly for you, and for EVERYBODY that talks about this subject publicly, including me.But I also have a somewhat selfish reason to write, and that is, just to talk to somebody else who willingly tells the TRUTH no matter the cost, and who shares my Biblical view of the world, and who shares in the persecution, and lastly, to make you a small proposition. Thanks to you, I now know what it's like to hold the TRUTH and belong to an extremely persecuted minority in this demonically controlled world. Now, my life isn't worth a nickel, not even in my own family. Now, you guys are the only ones on the planet to whom I feel like I can truly belong anymore. And I've never met any of you. Before I make my small proposal, let me tell you that, about 3 1/2 years ago, God impressed upon me to do some research about some Biblical subjects which my late Uncle tried to talk to me about some 15 years ago. Those studies centered around Ezekiel Chapter 8. And when I finally understood what my Uncle was delicately trying to tell me, I was HORROR stricken and I've been on my face in repentance ever since. Eventually, that Divinely inspired research naturally evolved into a spiritual area of concern that I had never even heard about before, and that concern was the Biblical Antichrist; NO, not the "futurist" Antichrist fable that is told from the pulpits of all the apostate Protestant churches today, but the REAL, HERE-AND-NOW, AND FOR CENTURIES, ANTICHRIST; the Antichrist that all the Protestant Reformers knew and shouted about; the Antichrist that YOU know about. Now I know who he is. And at first, I thought I was the only one who knew. Then I found Eric. Then I found Nic. Then I found Tom. Then I found Richard. Then I found you. Since I found you guys, I've been researching full time, non-stop, day and night, with only minimal sleep, for nearly 3 years now. Now I know that I've been lied to all my 51 years of life! And now I know that the most valuable and instructive truths of the Bible, plus the most revealing diabolical histories of this world, have been purposefully and systematically hidden from my eyes by PROTESTANT PASTORS and the Papists to whom they are beholden and by whom they are controlled! Now I know who the Great Whore is! Now I know what Mystery Babylon is! And now I know who the Harlot Daughters are. And now I can read and understand Revelation 17 as though I wrote it myself. And because of this, now I know just how deceptive Satan is, and just how spiritually destructive Satan's son of perdition, the Antichrist of Rome, has been in my life. Now, for the first time in my life, all the scriptures make sense. Now there are no longer any apparent contradictions in the Bible. Finally, I now know who the enemy is! And it has totally changed my life. The fear is GONE, Greg! And it's only people like you who can even begin to understand me when I say, "NOW I FEAR NO MAN"!!! Now I know how little, puny, ruddy, fair-complected, David the shepherd boy, could boldly face Goliath with only a sling shot in his hand while everybody else trembled in fear! Now I know what God really meant when He said, "Fear NOT him who can destroy the body; but fear HIM who can destroy both body and soul in hell". And, "If God be for us, who can be against us". And, "The wicked flee when no man pursueth". And, "He who would save his life shall lose it, but he who would lose his life for My sake shall pick it up again!" And, "for me, to die is gain." And I'm here to tell you, Greg, that I'm joining this fight, and I'm here till the last dog dies!When the reality of the Vatican and the Jesuit involvement in the purposeful infiltration and corruption and destruction of this Protestant Constitutional Republic finally sunk in, I knew I had to speak out. Unlike you and Eric and Tom and Nic and Richard, I didn't have a voice, other than my ham radio license. So I started a ham radio group for the purpose of positively identifying the Biblical Antichrist and his role in this country and the world and his New World Order from a Biblical scriptural perspective. I went out and bought a full legal limit amplifier so that I could be heard over the inevitable scoffers and hecklers. Now my voice and the Greg Szymanski/Eric Jon Phelps TRUTH is being heard undiluted in nearly every state in the lower 48, every night that I can get on the air. It has made me the single most hated and persecuted amateur radio operator on the planet, but a few people are finally beginning to listen. "My Word shall not return unto Me void."On any given night, there are thousands, perhaps tens of thousands of people in this country, including all amateurs and all shortwave listeners having single sideband capability, who can hear my voice. And the beautiful part is, there are no controlling owners, no censors, no sponsors, and it's FREE. The First Amendment still rules supreme on ham radio, Greg. And you can't get much cheaper than FREE! And people like you and Eric and Tom and Nic and Richard may be missing a GREAT opportunity in amateur radio. And if you want to listen in some night just to see what it's like, buy or borrow a portable shortwave receiver that has single sideband capability. String up a dipole antenna. Set the receiver on the Lower sideband mode, and dial up 3.944 MHz. We get started about 10 PM central time and sometimes go until 2 AM. And if I could just get people around earlier, I would start by 8 PM. Listen for my call sign, KCØEBM. Pray about it, Greg. Amateur radio might just be right up your alley!Our discussions run very similar to yours. I even reference you and Eric and Nic and Tom and Richard almost nightly. Many nights I read directly from Eric's book and all of you guys' websites. And our discussions are scripturally based. Like you, we honor the LORD and His Book here. And only those who are friendly to the Biblical truth are invited to participate with us. We expose the JESUITS and all their subordinate orders and secret societies. We call the Pope who he really is, the Biblical Antichrist! And we tell the TRUTH about 9-11. And we dispel ALL the Ecumenical LIES being taught in all the apostate Protestant churches today. We cut NO DEALS, we hedge NO BETS, and we take NO PRISONERS! Eric would absolutely LOVE this group, and so would YOU! And Nic is seriously thinking about getting his amateur radio license and joining us. And I'm on my knees praying for you ALL; not that you guys will join us on amateur radio, but that God's mighty and merciful hand of protection would be heavy upon you all, so that all your efforts, no matter what mode you choose, is fruitful for the Kingdom to come.Keep up the good work, Greg. And just know this; that you are well spoken of on 3.944 MHz and on whatever other frequency we meet. And the people who listen to our group are now reading your site. And don't be surprised if some decide to help you financially, including me.God bless you, Greg. I'm praying for you.Tom Friess KCØEBMPerry IOWA 50220
Another Ex-Catholic Priest, William Hogan, Warns Against Vatican Evils
A sample of Hogan's statements in his book, POPISH NUNNERIES AND AURICULAR CONFESSION:“The continuance of Popery depends upon this country alone. Extinguish it in the United States, and it dies everywhere. The old world is sick of it; it has cursed it long enough. It is for us alone to say whether it shall live or die. Americans alone can sound the death knell of Popery…” Page 91“The result of my experience is, that the doctrines of the Roman Catholic Church are fatal to the morals of any people; at variance with sound national policy and pure religion. It is a rank and poisonous weed, which will flourish even in the soil of liberty. Would that I could eradicate it! Would that you would enable me to tear up this Upas, which is spreading its poison from one end of our land to the other! Would that you could aid me in muzzling those Popish bloodhounds, who are freely coursing over our eastern mountains and western valleys! Already they have scented blood, and I warn you to be on your guard or they will scent more.” Page 108 -----------------------Another Reader Figures Out Vatican Corruption; Calls RBN Radio Corrupt, Too!!
Greg,You are doing one hell of a job, that is why they got rid of you at Republic, I thought they were legit but now I realize they are corrupt too. Hang in there, you are one of a few that may be able to help stop this criminal government. They still tap my phones and emails, it's really quite unbelievable what is happening to our country.Kevin Canada ------------------------------------------
Jones Can't Handle Vatican Heat; Belligerent, Arrogant Answers Are His Way Of Coping
Here is an unedited Alex Jones being asked about -- America deserves Better!Listen:
One Listener Tells Why You Should Listen To Greg's Investigative Journal Radio ShowA sincere thanks to you, and the work you do.I was led to your show via Red Ice Creations, just afew weeks ago, and am now a daily listener.The information in your show has filled an area in mymind that my intuition always longed to fill.Your program has been a catalyst for making my lifemore positive -- my sincere thanks to you.I am interested in Tour/Committee of Hope, and aminterested in any information you can share.In Enlightenment and Positivity,Christopher Eddy
The Pope And His Satanist Pals
Shani Ingram says: Check out the pope and his pals giving masonic handshakes. All these people are high level freemasons/satanists. If there is a separation between church and state, why are all these leaders from each nation having private audiences with him? People need to wake up seriously because this is the power source of the NWO along with the string pulling of the Jesuits and its General. The main website is
You can go there and have a total look of all the images. We have put some below as well.
Listener and Reader, Rick Friedrich, comments about corrupted alternative media.
Referring to your Arctic Beacon article at, I too have cautiously examined Jones since 9/11 and have made the same observations. One key observation beyond the support of Hutton and Mel Gibson was his Bohemian. Grove filming. This sort of thing cannot happen unless allowed. Granted some people may be allowed and not be part of it, but it is not likely in this case. As a student of American history, and American slavery on the side, I am aware of how the slave trade has modified itself in history. And I have always feared that these charismatic conspiracy figures are actually setting the stage for a violent conflict that they really desire to profit from. Like you wrote, just follow the teaching of Alex himself and he does spell this sort of thing out. They want to gather people together under organization for many reasons. The evil ones must always control opposition as well. The devil can only convince people of lies with a lot of truth. Asa Mahan wrote long ago: "Naked error is powerless to deceive, and borrows all of its effectiveness from mere fragments of the truth with which it is associated." Jones has much truth, but has an unspiritual presentation, that does not address the real need of the hour. You point out a neglect of various facts, but really the whole presentation does not address the fundamental problems in our world today. So long as people generally abuse themselves with sin natural law will return the favor. Becoming educated with "info" is only one responsibility we all have. We also must be virtuous with sound judgment. That means not selecting facts and ignoring others of equal importance. The fundamental problem with modern education and media is the teaching and promoting of prejudice from the cradle to the grave. Few know how to think for themselves, and fewer still how to think honestly. Until this is changed, and this selfish training is really exposed and dealt with, men will always be slaves with more or less oppressive prejudice and selfish rulers over them living for the same ends. As Charles Finney wrote so many years ago, the correct form of government is not merely some democracy, but depends on the virtue and intelligences of the people. People will naturally get rulers suited to the general population's virtue and intelligence. These Joneses look at the matter in the Greek error as if "to know the good is to do the good." Information is useless unless it is honestly processed unselfishly. The method is everything. ----------------------------------
Jesuit Order Infiltration
What the Black Pope, Jesuit Gen. Fr. Peter Hans Kolvenbach, would say if he ever told the truth, according to listener and reader, William Wellman:
"We shall mercilessly pit the enemies of Rome against each other, and enslave the survivors with debt.. We will tax every man, woman, child, beast, plant, mineral, manufactured good, and all services under the sun.. We are currently training the Chinese Army for Operation World Inquisition.. Governors, make ready the work camps, and think of the resources to be saved on shipping when we have slave labor camps in the United States. I want to thank the leaders of the United States for being so willing to allow us to silently prepare for the slaughter of their people.. Don't be alarmed when a Chinese soldier comes to drive your family and your Sports Utility Vehicle to the local interrogation center.. We will kick off Operation World Inquisition in Afghanistan, then on to Palestine, ....."
Reports surfaced recently through CIA operatives posing as alternative media personalities that nukes were seen being moved at the Denver International Airport.Here is a response to that report, first reported by Hal Turner, by author of the book Vatican Assassins, Eric Phelps:
"Jesuit Coadjutor Hal Turner has been given some correct information. I saw the CNN news report of the B-52s moving the nuclear warheads in the Denver airport and knew this was possibly the beginning of placing nuclear devices in targeted cities here in the US. Following the detonations, Al Qaeda will be blamed, Mecca and Medina blown to bits by CIA/Al Qaeda with pre-placed special weapons, martial law declared, the roundup of all American Moslems (as portrayed the Order's Hollywood movie in which military officer Bruce Willis rounds up American Moslems) and the opening of the concentration camps."This movement of nukes is indeed a Criminal Conspiracy carried out by Bonesman George Bush under the leadership of his Knight of Malta father who is the mere vassal of Knight of Malta and Archbishop of New York City, Edward Cardinal Egan---directed by Jesuit Avery Cardinal Dulles at Fordham University whose SMOM uncle and ex-DCI Allen Dulles was a co-conspirator in the murder and cover-up of JFK."Hal Turner has put out some real truth here but for what reason? He is a White Roman Catholic, pro neo-Nazi, Jew hating, pro Knight of Malta Pat Buchanan, Jesuit shill. Hal Turner, by putting out this info, will be vindicated in his pro-fascist position and draw millions of White Roman Catholics, apostate Protestants and Baptists into his org---as intended by the Jesuits. The Order's "terrorism" is in fact a political ecumenical movement to culminate in a military dictatorship first attempted back in the 1930s via Knight of Malta John J. Raskob, a kingpin in the Democratic Party and controller of DuPont, one of the country's foremost munitions manufacturers."With the iniquity of the Americans having come to the full, maybe this attempt by the Order will be successful."
...More Arctic Stories
Vatican Turns Blind Eye While Aiding And Abetting in 1940's Croatian Genocide"These innocent Serbs have been impaled, fire has been lit on their bare chests, they have been roasted alive, burned in their homes and churches while still living, covered with boiling water and then their skin peeled off..."By Greg Szymanski, JDSept. 19, 2007In a federal court case filed in San Francisco, the Vatican has admitted to taking part and helping to organize The 1940's genocide in Croatia, killing more than 800,000 innocents including woman and children.In Alperin v. Vatican Bank, the pope's attorney admitted to the Vatican's involvement in the genocide but said it was justified under international law.This motion was made in Nov. 2006 but the judge in the case still has not made his ruling.Besides admitting to its involvement, the Vatican has never condemned the actions of the political leaders involved in the genocide. Further, testimony has shown that Dominican priests, including high-level bishops, were directly involved in the physical torture and killing.Although the Croatian genocide has never been fully reported to the American people, the extent of the violence in which the Vatican has admitted complicity is graphically shown through a letter written by Croatian politician, Prvolsav Grizogono, on February 8, 1942 to Archbishop Dr. Alojzije Stepinac. As it turned out, Stepinac actually aided the perpetrators of the genocide. Here is a portion of the letter and Americans beware this could happen to you if you do not question and then stop the Vatican and Jesuit Order's assault on U.S. freedoms:
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More Arctic Headlines...
Are Jesuit-Controlled Government Plants Taking Over NY 9/11 Truth Rally?According to several government informants in the know, the arrest of Alex Jones looks like a staged event in order to put the focus on "one of their plants" while taking the focus off the real purpose of 9/11 truth.By Greg Szymanski, JDSept. 9, 2007The evidence pinning the Vatican-led U.S. government with complicity in the 9/11 tragedy is overwhelming.But trivial things like hard evidence doesn't stand in the way of the deceptive Jesuit Order controllers and their minions. It doesn't stand in the way because they have firm control over everything that counts in America, including the 9/11 truth movement.What counts now about 9/11 is putting on a clever, deceptive show of sincerity, including phony investigations and staged rallies designed to fool people into believing that something consequential will eventually be done to nab the real perpetrators of the mass murder of more than 3,000 people.And a good deceptive show led by planted government operatives is exactly what will be going on in New York this week at the 6th anniversary of 9/11.According to insiders who have worked for the CIA in the past, the 9/11 anniversary rally every year is designed to discredit truth seekers who fill the New York streets.The movement is discredited by placing government plants in strategic positions in order to depict to mainstream Americans that 9/11 truth seekers are crazies. This was accomplished one year by placing people like Victor Thorn and Lisa Giulliani, with their band of whacked-out looking followers holding banners and screaming nonsense with a "crack head" leading the way, right in front of the loud speakers during the reading of the names of all the fallen dead. This, of course, gives a bad name to the entire movement while in the eyes of mainstream stream America, leaving a taste in their mouth that the whacko 9/11 truth seekers are disrespecting the dead.Furthermore, each year the government plants are instructed to keep the main focus of the 9/11 anniversary off the solemn mourning of the victims and their family members while staging events that incite loud shouting and violence. According to former CIA insiders, this year activist and Jesuit operative Alex Jones was arrested on Sept. 8 in New York as part of a planned event putting the focus of attention on him while taking it off the real purpose of the 9/11 anniversary, mourning the dead.In fact, if Jones and other fake leaders of the "so-called" 9/11 truth movement were at all sincere and, in fact, not working for the government, they would quietly have respect for those who died on 9/11 and their families, saving their activism for the rest of the year.And according to several informants and the analysis of former FBI agent and infiltrator of militia movements, John Peeler, people like Jones and other hidden operatives have turned the 9/11 anniversary into a "dog and pony show" where family members are given little consideration, the dead are forgotten and the real perpetrators are given another free ride as they look on from their penthouses at the futile efforts of those who may have come to New York with real sincerity in their hearts.In honor of the family members who lost their loved ones on 9/11 and, at the same time exposing and denouncing the insincere antics of agent provocateur, Jones, the Arctic Beacon reprints a feature story about Donna Marsh, a mother who lost her pregnant daughter running from the South Tower.
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More Arctic Stories...
The Ghost of 9/11 Will One Day Reveal The True Vatican Perps And Their Loyal Alternative Media WhoresBy Greg Szymanski, JDSept. 8, 2007In the past, The Arctic Beacon has written extensively about 9/11, looking at the tragedy as a murder and conspiracy to commit murder investigation gone haywire. Six years after more than 3,000 were sacrificed by the satanic Vatican-led New World Order, the 9/11 truth movement has become nothing more than a social gathering where CIA thugs and media agents have taken over as leaders.Again this year, the so-called truth movement will gather, but as they line the New York streets with banners and posters, we are no closer to getting the real killers and those who conspired to kill then we were six years ago.The question remains why? And the answer is simple: The real perpetrators in the Vatican-led New World Order have been protected by government, religious and media minions, including alternative fake stars like Alex Jones, Willis Carto, Jeff Rense and John Stadtmiller, who are all working together to lead people down the wrong investigative paths as they focus on the Jews or simply government and business figures being the main 9/11 culprits. Read More
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Hatred For Jews Main Goal of Vatican Controlled American Free PressNo other publication in the history of the United States has done more damage to the cause of freedom as it continues its well organized, deceptive and divisive campaign to mislead people, according to freedom fighter Slats Grobnik
By Greg Szymanski, JD Aug. 21, 2007The American Free Press likes to say it is a bastion of freedom and liberty, leading readers down the 'real path of truth' in the alternative media.But no other publication in the history of the United States has done more damage to the cause of freedom as it continues its well organized, deceptive and divisive campaign to mislead people, according to freedom fighter Slats Grobnik, a man on a modern day Don Quixote mission to enlighten the masses."I had a good friend who wrote for the American Free Press and learned the truth about this toilet paper publication," said Slats, who prides himself on finding out the real truth and nothing but the truth."This publication is set up by the establishment, set up by intelligence operatives and the Jesuits to spread hatred towards the Jews. It will not deal with the Vatican-led New World Order in a fair manner simply because, according to inside sources, its owner, is bought and paid off by Vatican minions who want to protect the real perpetrators."How can I prove this? Just look at the content of his paper. It's obvious who he is covering for since if truth was his goal, the Vatican story would be fully told instead of centering solely on Zionism which has been purposely misconstrued. "At a time when millions of people have turned to the alternative media since they are fed up with the mainstream media that has turned into nothing but a fascist propaganda arm of the Vatican led New World Order, it is disheartening to learn The American Free Press and many others in the alternative media are actually on the Vatican payroll.
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...More Informative Articles
In a recent news conference, speaking on the issue of sexual abuse by priests, Vatican Secretary of State Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone said:
"I hope that other institutions and social agencies will face this same problem with their members, with an equal degree of courage and realism as the Catholic Church has done. I wonder if the other agencies or institutions have also provided financial consideration for victims as the Catholic Church has done; if they have taken care of the victims and those who are guilty. Nashville, August 12, 2007"
But for the mainly Christian Serb victims of genocide as well as Jews, and Roma in former Yugoslavia, there is no financial consideration or even an apology by the Vatican…There is only the prospect of death without closure by elderly Holocaust survivors and no answers as to why the Vatican Bank and Franciscan Order assisted their killers to escape justice by laundering the proceeds of genocide after the Second World War.
Read More --> Vatican in Denial!
Don't miss this interview!!
July 30th, 2007 Greg Interviews Jonathan Levy - Lawyer for the Alperin vs Vatican (Holocaust in Croatia) Court Case (Read - Avro Manhattan's Holocaust in Croatia, in the Books Section) Go to interview in archives...
July 27th, 2007 <-- Lennie Bloom interviews Greg - check it out -->
Leo Zagami's Tour of Hope for the World
Be sure to listen this week to the University of Hidden History Series on the Jesuits by Prof Eric Jon Phelps, it is incredible history we should have been taught in school or at least in Church. Go to the Inv Journal Archives to listen to previous shows.
News Flash - We have found many Al Cuppett Interviews - These are very important revealing information vital to all in North America, send a link to your friends, listen to these and take heed. 3 files: Audio en Español, Deutscher Audioakte & Audio Italiano.
The mainstream media is fed by their Scarlet Beast to keep their lies flowing. Please help resist their lies. The Arctic Beacon needs Seekers of Truth to donate to keep the truth flowing, as dollars are short, expenses are high. Thank you for your support. In the meantime watch this movie and consider making a donation to the Arctic Beacon to keep the truth flowing. It should be mentioned that the Arctic Beacon does not subscribe to the entire premise of Zeitgeist, and has allowed people who agree and disagree with the movie to express their opinions. See Investigative Journal radio interview with Eric Jon Phelps who disagrees with the spiritual premise of the movie and Frank O'Collins who agrees with it. Go to 'Movies You Won't See on TV' in the menu to watch Zeitgeist.
In the meantime, watch the movie and learn what Christianity, 911 and the Federal Reserve Bank have in common. In short the government itself has become a Religion, and non-belief in their lies, laws and imposed beliefs results in punishment, either economically or by a jail sentence. The courts have become inquisition courts where the truth is suppressed, the innocent are convicted and the guilty go free because they are either not charged or are not convicted for BS reasons. If the innocent cannot be done in by the courts or court action would be too revealing (evidence suppressed for National Security reasons, the Act protects pedophiles!) The innocent "happen" to commit suicide. The power of the Scarlet Beast is almost total now. Soon the inquisition soldiers will begin their work in North America.
NIcklas Arthur comments about Zeitgeist:
"Zeitgeist The Movie is a regurgitation of many excellent 9-11 Truth and other Exposes. The only purpose of their addition of these issues to this presentation is to legitimize their opening lies in part one. Watch LOOSE CHANGE, 911-JUSTICE and THE ISLAMIC CONNECTION on Google Videos just for starters. DO NOT PROPAGATE THIS MOVIE, ZEITGEIST. Part Three of Zeitgeist starts out with President Kennedy’s excellent speech exposing the conspiracy powers which he was determined to take on and defeat. His actions thereto are the very reason that this fine man was assassinated. For more on Conspiracy see THE ISLAMIC CONNECTION and TOTAL ONSLAUGHT THE NEW WORLD ORDER. For the money issue see MONOPOLY MEN and THE MONEY MASTERS on Google Videos just for starters. DO NOT PROPAGATE THIS MOVIE, ZEITGEIST. In the end this movie leaves you right where the ZEITGEIST wishes you to be: looking only to man for the salvation of man. And what an empty salvation it is, because in the end, you just die."
Important Notice
Looking for investors to begin a new and vibrant truth radio network and print publication called The American Aurora. Only respond if you are not afraid to tackle the Vatican and all its minions in our government. Presently, broadcasters like Alex Jones and others are not covering the full truth, leading listeners down the wrong rabbit holes as directed by their controllers. Please contact Greg at 509-242-9681 for more information.
Investigative Journal expanding with shortwave, new internet stations and AM networks coming soon! Times and Dates To Be Announced...
Investigative Journal
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Live shows can be accessed at
at 4pm-6pm pacific time
Friday, Sept 7, Brother Tom Larsen begins his course, OSHO: Template for the New World Religion for Greg's University of Hidden History.
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-- in the meantime -- Get Mad! (above)-- Then listen to (below)
Ante Pavelic had a hobby of collecting human eyes!! One day a visitor came to his headquarters and noticed what looked like a bowl of oysters on the table. "Oysters from Dalmatia" he exclaimed. "No" said Pavelic "this is a bowl of Serb eyes" WARNING IMAGES ARE DISTURBINGRead More (Also read - Vatican Holocaust - Manhattan -Arctic Library)
Arctic Stories Continued
Know Your 4th Amendment Rights and The Patriot ActHow does the Patriot Act really apply to the legal concepts of search and seizure. Most Americans have no clue!By Greg Szymanski, JDJuly 25, 2007Without question, The Patriot Act has made it easier for officials to undertake warrantless searches and seizures previously protected by the 4th amendment of the U.S. Constitution. In theory, prior to The Patriot Act officials needed probable cause or in some cases reasonable suspicion to invade a citizen's privacy. Now, mere suspicion of wrongdoing whether reasonable or not is enough, destroying a cherished legal standard.The two most disturbing elements in the Patriot act are the words "suspicion" and "domestic terrorism" as this gives officials an open door policy into a citizen's home or personal items without clearly defining what constitutes domestic terrorism, leading to mere criticism of government as a possible violation.Although this may seem trivial to the average person, it's legal ramifications are grave since it opens the door for abuses of privacy reminiscent to Nazi Germany.However, in light of the grave ramifications most Americans remain compliant to governmental abuses and ignorant of their 4th amendment rights as well as the legal exceptions to that cherished Constitutional protection. Here is a brief overview:
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Slats Says Vatican Using Religions of the World and Corrupted U.S. Government To Wipe Away America's FreedomsThey use the myth of Christ and the establishment of religions to ignite endless wars geared at forming a 'One World Disorder', according to Slats.
By Greg Szymanski, JDJuly 18, 2007Slats Grobnik stopped work on his project to rebuild the Roman Coliseum in a friendly Kansas corn field, spending the last two months in deep contemplation and thought.When the Coliseum project is finally finished, it is intended to feature New World Order gladiator fights, hoping to attract millions who now enjoy NASCAR, kick-boxing, wrestling and football."There is definitely a market out there for my new bloodthirsty sport and, as they say, build it and they will come," said Slats who was confident he could attract a large following."It's difficult to find big sponsors, though, like IBM, Bill Gates and others as they seem a little put-off by my 'reality-sport' idea. When I first went to them, they seemed quite interested."But when I told them the real New World Order freaks from government, religion, media, finance and big business would be the ones doing the actual real live fighting to the death for the amusement of the masses, they immediately got cold feet, knowing I was talking about them."For those unaware of Slats' mission, he is one year into a self-imposed Don Quixote adventure, trying to rally Americans against the Illuminati plan for a one world government basically erasing America's sovereignty.
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Confession to the Jesuits No. 31: Is Former Jesuit Gen. Vladimir Ledochowski Good or Evil? Let his record, not Vatican propaganda, answer the question. Further, did Ledochowski of the Jesuit Order instruct Father Bernhardt Staempfle S.J. to write Mein Kampf ("My Struggle"), to brief Hitler on its contents, attribute him to its authorship and ensure its mass publication? By Greg Szymanski, JD June 30, 2007 In this Confession to the Jesuits, No.31, we explore the life and times of former Jesuit Gen. and head of the Society of Jesus from 1915-1942, Wlodimir (Vladimir) Ledochowski. In an attempt to prove Ledochowski was a man supporting evil, not good, during a tumultuous time in world history, we will look at his motivation, mission and how he manipulated the geopolitical chessboard like an evil magician, not a man of God and the cloth. Further, we will look at the "black oath" he took as well as numerous charges levied by patriots, claiming Ledochowski violated international law and, more importantly, God's law. As we explore Ledochowski's shadowy past, remember this basic assumption: Let the works and deeds of a man prove whether he supported good or evil and do not listen to Jesuit and Vatican propaganda claiming to be following the word of God while their obvious actions prove otherwise. Ledochowski's Orders And Mission, as given by past Jesuit instruction before he took over as the Black Pope:
"You have been taught to plant insidiously the seeds of jealousy and hatred between communities, provinces, states that were at peace, and to incite them to deeds of blood, involving them in war with each other, and to create revolutions and civil wars in countries that were independent and prosperous, cultivating the arts and the sciences and enjoying the blessings of peace; to take sides with the combatants and to act secretly with your brother Jesuit, who might be engaged on the other side, but openly opposed to that which you might be connected, only that the Church might be the gainer in the end, in the condition fixed in the treaties for peace and that the end justifies the means.
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President Lincoln's words Silenced but finally these words have been uncoveredLincoln warned Americans about the Papacy and Jesuit's true intentions and for that he was killed just like President Kennedy.By Greg Szymanski, JDJune 13, 2007The Jesuit Order has kept its deep, dark and evil past well hidden form the world, including the apathetic, mind-controlled, manipulated and brainwashed American people.Credible researchers contend the Jesuit Order are the real spiritual controllers of the New World Order, controlling this world takeover with enormous hidden wealth and a stranglehold over world government leaders, including those in control of fascist America. However, no matter how much credible information comes forward, both the alternative and mainstream media cover it up since researchers contend the Jesuit power and money influence has almost total control of American freedom of speech.To illustrate how corrupted most alternative and mainstream media outlets have become, why have they ignored the words of President Abraham Lincoln when solid evidence exists he was killed by an organized Jesuit hit team.Since the intentions of the Papacy and its Jesuit henchmen never change, that being total world fascism and genocide of all Jews, Christians and Muslims, here are Lincoln's words about Jesuit evils during the Civil War and a reprinting of the Jesuit Fourth Vow, illustrating just how history will repeat itself if the Jesuits are not exposed and then ousted from this country like they have been in scores of other countries throughout the course of history.In Chapter 60 of “Fifty Years in the Church of Rome," written by Former Catholic Priest, Charles Chiniquy, he quotes Lincoln as saying:
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Arctic November Pledge Drive
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August has come and gone and we only reached a portion of our monthly goal. We are starting a new truth radio network along with a new revised Investigative Journal radio show. Please help finance our efforts and, if you want to keep the truth about the Vatican-led NWO, support this web site while boycotting those who fail to give you the full story.
Nothing makes the Jesuits happier than giving their supporters like the major networks and newspapers more money. So supporting us in turn supports America's fight for true religious freedom while exposing the Vatican and Jesuit-led NWO. Just a brief note for those of you who are new to Arctic Beacon's fund raising efforts. Arctic Beacon is free to everyone. However, soon we will be starting a subscription plan.
For the reasons stated above, we are again running a pledge drive this month and ask that all readers and listeners to contribute this month if you want to get the full story about the real spiritual controllers of the NWO.
Thank you in advance and remember grassroots groups and the alternative media have been infiltrated by agents of the Vatican-led NWO. We are here to fight them and expose them according to the word of God and words contained in the Bible.
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Email from listener
Greg,I listened to the Islam-Catholicism DVD yesterday, and really have to wonder how it found its way into a community of truth-seekers. I'm sure some of the historical facts are real, since I know the outer story of all the religions is one big mess of distortions, manipulations, and evil agendas. But in his zeal to defend Jesus from wrongly-perceived enemies, the speaker rides roughshod over vast portions of the truth. Like Bush and Cheney, he relies on people's indifference, ignorance, or lack of access to the facts to slip his nonsense past the screen of ordinary reason.
For example, he actually says that Islam has a "hatred" of Jesus. This is libel. In fact, Jesus is highly revered, along with Mary, and his teachings are a central part of Islam. Such hatred may have arisen later along with other forms of religious manipulation, but that’s a different story.Concerning the common source of the revelations of the three main religions, the speaker raises doubts by drawing a parallel to a similar idea in Freemasonry. But only Freemasons of real faith would understand the truth behind it. Those on the upper levels involved in the NWO only discredit this belief by condoning it, since they don't even worship God (just Lucifer and themselves) and thus have no real knowledge of His revelations! I believe that once the idea of unity is cleared of its baggage and acted on, it could seriously undermine the NWO’s divisive power.The speaker also carelessly paraphrases the complex topic of jinns (or ‘genies’) to allege that Muslims condone Satan, then cites his own distorted paraphrase as authority. I suspect, too, that he takes the bit about Khadijah being a Roman Catholic nun from the Bea/Rivera story, and not real historical research. Cearley, who has cast doubt on that whole account in “Thou Shalt Not Bear False Witness,” states that not enough is known about her life to draw any such conclusion. (Leo, an expert in NWO disinformation, also believes Cardinal Bea’s story is false.)Even if the whole outer history of Islam had been determined by the Catholic Church, it wouldn't include its original revelations, which grew into their own more living branch of the tree, protected from the ravages of "history." (As Leo said on your show, the church fathers were in no position to know anything about them.) How can he say with certainty that these revelations never occurred? What about all the wonderful Muslims he knows, and all the people whose lives have been transformed by Islam, much as with Christianity (many of them prisoners, etc.)? Doesn't this at least open the possibility that they could be getting inspiration from something other than a pagan deity? What gives him the authority to exclude that possibility? Let’s draw a comparison here. The Tarpley/LaRouche folks say the Venetians fomented Protestantism (and the counter-Reformation) in order to divide and confuse people so they would have no real faith. If those were in fact the bogus origins of Protestantism, do we than conclude that no Protestant can be practicing a true faith or have any genuine knowledge of God? Greg, do you see how ridiculous all of this is?!
On the issue of pagan origins, what if the existence of pagan elements and symbols within Christianity were used to discredit the words of Jesus, or the genuine experience of true Christians -- many of whom couldn't care less about such symbols, and are more interested in personal experience than outer form, or even scripture? Parallels with pagan and occult symbols can always be found (some deliberately placed, some not). Inferences and bogus influences can always be drawn, because such "knowledge" is its own Tower of Babel.Islam was never intended to replace or compete with Christianity. In part a response to the corruption of Mosaic law and Christian gospel, it included social reforms as well. Islam was also a warning to those who had rejected previous teachings, or worse yet, barred others from the path of God through deception. Tough love is part of the message, because that’s what the times called for. But always at the heart is the reality of God as compassionate, forgiving and merciful -- not that different from the Christian message. It was forbidden to spread the faith by the sword, and for centuries other religions were well tolerated in Muslim-controlled areas. Art, science, and other learning flourished in these places.Today, thanks to the NWO, all the religions have been mutilated beyond recognition through divisive tactics and disinformation campaigns. Recklessly irrational media (such as the DVD in question) play right into their hands by fomenting hatred and intolerance. Confusion is undermining faith, as planned. Few are left who even try to uncover the real connections (thank God we have you!).Though even the alternative media are no haven from NWO tricks, here are a few who are speaking out for reason and fairness: Misconceptions About Islam History Dispels Lies About Islam Muhammad's Sword Good NPR forum: Islam Documentary Islam & World Peace, by M.R.Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (Sufi perspective) Keep up the great work, Greg! You’re my connection to sanity in a Through-The-Looking-Glass world. Blessings,Naila (Claudia Naila Schulte, Ed.D.)BIO Naila, a recently-retired English teacher, lives in Philadelphia with her son. While most at home on a Sufi path, she honors all traditions that uphold the living God. Her favorite ways of undermining the NWO include stalking disinformation, songwriting, holding interfaith music gatherings, and helping children free their souls through poetry. Comments are welcome at
Special Radio Appearance
Greg Szymanski Guest AppearanceFrom the Land of Bast Hosted by Hamza Sid Catlett Bey Appearing : Thursday, March 22, 2007 Studio BSpecial Two (2) Hour Show, 9PM to 11PM (EST)
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Listed below are some of Investigative Journal favorites:
Greg Szymanski interviews Tony Alamo on Feb 21, Mar 7 and April 4 2007
Greg Szymanski Interviews Nury Rivera on Mar 5 2007
Greg Szymanski Interviews High-Ranking Illuminati Figure---Much to be learned here! April 6 2007 -- Hour 1 and Hour 2
Greg Interviews NYPD Det. Jim Rothstein who nailed former NY Cardinal Spellman and Vatican hierarchy for creating U.S. pedophile problem--Go to Feb 27 2007, Hour 1 and 2
Arctic UpdateNew website and Truth Radio Network Coming Soon. Don't forget to check out our expanded World News Section listed Below. Make it your daily alternative news stop!!
Greg's Daily Video Pick
The Pope's Bankers
Who Infiltrated America: Jesuits? Zionists? Illuminati? NWO? Aliens?
Chemtrails: Clouds of Secrecy
Special 9/11 Recap
9/11 Truth Seekers Only Touching Tip of the Iceberg When it Comes to Nabbing Real Culprits The truth to who caused 9/11 leads right to the doorstep of the Vatican and Jesuit Order. According to an inside source, members of the New York Rotary Club, The Knights of Malta, Opus Dei and Sons of Italy need to be investigated. By Greg Szymanski, JDMay 24, 2007New information has surfaced linking the real culprits behind 9/11 to underground connections to the Vatican, including the Monte Carlo P2 Masonic Lodge, the head of the New York Rotary Club, the U.S. organization called The Sons of Italy, Opus Dei and The Knights of Malta, a group working for Rome with tentacles extending to the U.S., Italian and Russian mobs."Your analysis regarding George Hugo Balestrieri (9/11 connections) was quite interesting. However, you only scratched the surface," said a source close to the Vatican in Rome, commenting about Balestrieri's inside knowledge of 9/11, which will lead to former Mayor Giuliani, Cardinal Egan and other high-level U.S. officials, including Bush and Cheney who are only Vatican puppets."You are at the tip of an iceberg that is 10 miles below the surface!"Recently, high-level Monte Carlo P2 Lodge insider, Leo Zagami, said he had discussions prior to 9/11 with Ezio Giunchiglia of the Masonic Monte Carlo P2 Board of Directors and Balsetrieri, head of the New York Rotary Club, indicating both New World minions had prior knowledge of the WTC disaster.
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...A Quick Look Back in the Arctic Archives
While I'm busy, Greg says, putting the finishing touches on my One Man Show and new radio network and news publication, to be known as The American Aurora, enjoy one of my old Slats Grobnik columns.
Slats Takes A Well-Deserved Christmas Break From Fighting Vatican And NWO Grobnik builds NWO detention center for IlluminatiBy Greg Szymanski Dec 22, 2006Slats Grobnik is taking a well deserved Christmas break as he is about half-way done with his project of re-building the Roman Coliseum in Kansas like Kevin Costner built his field of dreams. Slats' intent is to bring the New World minions together and have them fight as gladiators and have the American people watch in delight. Since Slats is taking a well-deserved holiday rest, here are a few a his past stories so you don't forget his important mission: Slats Grobnik Reveals Secret Illuminati "One Man Show"
The Ghost of 9/11 Truth has returned to help Slats write his theatre performance set to open in 2007. By Greg Szymanski Nov. 4, 2006 Act 1, Scene I: Voices from the heavens can be heard, the souls of 3,000 dead talking, as the silhouette of a lone figure center stage is seen standing with hands raised to the sky. In the background the Twin Towers can be seen with the Vatican and St. Peter's square superimposed behind the tall buildings as the Pope and Black Pope are both lighting matches, placing the WTC aflame. A single deep voice of truth can now be heard. Explosions inside the WTC. Bodies falling from windows high above, one landing on a fireman killing him on the spot. A young pregnant mother running for her life but dropped in her tracks by falling debris. Two men trapped in a sub basement elevator seconds after an airplane hit high above. A man being burned to a crisp in a basement hallway from a fireball in an elevator shaft. It's all remembered five years later as a chaotic dark cloud that hung over New York on 9/11. But there is much, much more to tell, isn't there?
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Why Do Ron Paul and Alex Jones Hide Vatican And Jesuit Order Evils In NWO?According to researchers not afraid of satanic retribution, they are fakes and paid propagandists leading people down the wrong rabbit holes. By Greg Szymanski, JDMay 11, 2007Rep. Ron Paul (RDL-Tex) like House leader Nancy Pelosi are nothing more than traitors and shills for the Vatican and Jesuit Order, according to researchers and historians not afraid to ruffle feathers inside the hierarchy of the Catholic Church.Although alternative broadcasters like Alex Jones and others like to tell people that Rep. Paul and several other liberals in the House and Senate can save America from the evils of the New World Order, these fake news broadcasters fail to tell listeners the "other side of story."And according to these researchers, the "other side of the story" is, of course, the Vatican and Jesuit Order involvement in the takeover of America. Further, by hiding these Vatican facts from the public, all of the above, including Rep. Paul and the fake broadcasters like Jones are, in fact, working for Vatican interests as well, according to researchers finally pinning the Vatican for its role in the NWO.To prove this point, many listeners and readers have come to the Arctic Beacon, expressing their concern about censorship on the Alex Jones staged show, saying anytime the dreaded "V" word is mentioned Jones either turns rude and obnoxious to the callers or drops them off the line like a hot potato."If you don't believe it," said one Arctic Beacon reader, "try getting on blabber mouth Jones' show if you want to discuss intelligently the Vatican connection to the New World Order. It just doesn't happen and I bet he is paid to keep this message off the air. And regarding Rep. Paul, he has never addressed the Vatican and Jesuit Order issue and appears to avoid it like the plague.
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Voices of Freedom Speak Out On radio
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Just a brief note for those of you who are new to Arctic Beacon's fund raising efforts. Arctic Beacon is free to everyone. However, soon we will be starting a subscription plan. But you may visit the Arctic Beacon web site and receive for free for as long as you wish.
We are again running a pledge drive this month and ask that all readers and listeners to dig deep and contribute this month as it is imperative for survival.
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One Reader, Claudia Schulte, Tells You Why:
"Arctic Beacon is a world-class site!"
" should be required reading for every sentient being on this planet who's concerned about our physical and spiritual survival. Greg really is fearless: he brazenly snoops into the threats behind the threats, the lies behind the lies, and the powers behind the powers that be. His Leo Wanta series, on the trillions of dollars stolen from the American treasury and used for nefarious purposes, has been circulated all over Europe.
"One of the major 9-11 researchers, Greg is now probing the real sources of war and oppression, which are the Satanic secret societies that operate from supposedly spiritual leadership positions. His articles exposing the inner workings of the Illuminati, including a series on former highly-placed Italian aristocrat Leo Zagami, are positively mind-blowing. Read this site and listen to the radio show. You'll make connections that will make your head spin, but will also connect a lot of the dots about the mischief that's occurring now and what's being planned for the future."
If you want to continue to expose the dirtywork of the Illuminati and their secret societies
To further THE TRUTH, the Arctic Beacon still needs your kind support. We are almost completely funded by listeners and readers and cannot survive without your help. We look forward to bringing you cutting edge interviews and articles on our web site and radio broadcasts in what has been called the "Alternative to the Alternative Media. Please donate this month to keep the Arctic Beacon from melting while, at the same time, supporting peace and freedom of the press.
Email of the Week..............Send your messages an emails to the Arctic Beacon. The writer of the email of the week will get a short live interview on the Investigative Journal.Hello Greg, Sorry to hear about RBN screwing up again. I know that when their computer guy left them quite upset a while back, it was a sign that Stadtmiller has more problems than they care to share. I know that I always got a negative feeling listening to the National Intel Report (don't know why). Now, with this obvious control tactic, they have shown their true colors..... all pretty dark! I will continue to support you Greg, as you continue to expose the truth at all costs. Is it possible to continue to do your show for the internet only? My problem has always been not being able to listen to you live. I always catch you a day or so late on MP3 archive. I will be very happy when you have more MP3 archives available with a current show again.Paul SprinkleLoyal Listener and Reader
Amazin Productions PresentsGreg Szymanski Live And Uncut
Booking Now for Greg's New "One Man Show" Featuring One Man's search for the truth Starring The many characters of the Vatican-Jesuit Led New World Order Brought To Life As Only Greg Can Do With His Wild Imagination. But The Only Problem --- It's All True!! Two Hours Featuring 9/11 Truth and the Truth Behind The Real Spiritual Controllers of the NWO and their controlled government and media minions
Booking Now For 2007 Churches, Civic Organizations, Truth Centers Theatres There's no venue to large or small for Greg's truthful oratory. Call AMAZIN PRODUCTIONS to book Greg Host of the International Radio Show The Investigative Journal Journalist, satirist and writer of the Arctic Beacon Last Frontier of Truth call: 509-242-9681 or email
Organized Christianity's Prostitution Cover-UpAnd the Da Vinci Code's "False Messiah"ConnectionByJohn DanielThe Author ofThe VATICAN'S Grand Design ExposedClick Here
9/11/06Interview With Greg Szymanski, Investigative Reporter, The Leo Wanta Story Continues.
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9/12/06Interview With Greg Szymanski, Investigative Reporter, The Leo Wanta Story Continues.
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9/13/06Interview with Greg Szymanski, The Leo Wanta Story continues.
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9/14/06Last night of Interview with Greg Szymanski, The Leo Wanta Story.
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Every SundayConfessions With The Jesuits
Confession 1 Confession 2 Confession 3 Confession 4 Confession 5 Confession 6 Confession 7 Confession 8 Confession 9 Confession 10 Confession 11 Confession 12 Confession 13 Confession 14 Confession 15 Confession 16 Confession 17 Confession 18 Confession 19 Confession 20 Confession 21 Confession 22 Confession 23
By Greg Szymanski
Bless me Father for I have sinned. My last confession was 1982 when I knelt at your unholy altar in the Sistine Chapel, begging forgiveness for openly claiming your highest of Church leaders, including Pope John Paul II and the Jesuit General known as the Black Pope actually worshipped Lucifer and had the blood of millions on their hands.
For this confession, made to an unknown Vatican priest and spoken in Italian, I was given penance to perform of two rosaries, 10 Our Fathers and 10 Hail Mary's.
Further, I was instructed to spend a day of reflection and fasting for what the priest claimed were words provoked by the Devil, who entered my life in a period of loneliness, confusion and doubt.
Before I left the confessional, the priest told me to study the history of the Church, the Jesuit Order and the Bible, as this would clear up my misconceptions about the Pope, the Black Pope and satanic worshipping in the Vatican.
Read Complete Story and Weekly Series Introduction
How the U.S. sponsors terrorism abroad and why Pazienza has been locked up in an Italian jail to protect Washington insiders like Michael Ledeen and others from criminal responsibility. Read the three-part series about assassinations and terror on the streets of Italy that is Made In America.
Part One Part Two Part Three
Read how U.S. and UK officials defied and bypassed UN embargoes by a devious web of overseas front companies and banking schemes. Learn how at least 17 billion Pounds of arms money, arose as a result of the policy of Margaret Thatcher's government to supply Saddam with weapons.
Part One Part Two Part Three Part Four
Part One Part Two Part Three Part Four STORY TITLE
Two Nazis, Bush and Pope Benny, Prepare To Meet
Arrival of Amero
Bush To Visit Pope in June
Who Really Works for the Jesuits?
Stop Papal Power
Transcript Of Bush's Last 2001 Meeting With Pope
The Red Mass
Irish Republic And Vatican's Curious Silence
China Surpasses U.S. In Exports
Military Plans To Control Internet
There is No War on Terrorism
American Dream Turns Sour
Alberto Rivera's Message About Jesuit Deception
Bye Bye Israel...By Barry Chamish
Front Line, Vatican...By Barry Chamish
Iran Detains UK Sailors
More On Guantanamo Bay
U.S. Attorney Controversy Escalates
Global Warming Fraud
Boxing Promoter Don King Meets Pope
Masons Demand End of Vatican Pact
Mark of the Beast Cartoon
The Two Babylons...Chapter One
Bush refuses to Let Aides Take Oath
Putin says Russia Will Become Biggest Arms Dealer
The Big Halliburton Problem
Full Mental Nudity
Blair Believes God Is Guiding Him
Gonzales On His Way Out...Chertoff In?
White House Crime Blotter
NeoConned Editor Suspended From Navy
Vatican's UN Mission Granted
Top Sunni Agrees To Visit Vatican
Jesuit Appointed First Bishop of Nepal
9/11 Solution And BBC Blunder
Vatican Quotes
Tests of pet food killed 1 in 6
Vatican Bankers
CIA Head Claims We Will Be In Middle East For Decades
Short History of CIA Fronts...From the Late Sherman Skolnick
VeriChip In Hospitals
Lawyer Scandal Surrounds Gush
New Confessions From The Economic Hit Man
Forgotten News: Pope Gets Presidential Freedom Medal
The Evil Red Mass
Now A Few Words... From Barry Chamish
The Most Powerful Man In The World
Jesuit Arabs
Vatican Assassins Video
Defiant Blair Tells Families "Iraqi Invasion Justified
Press Down To Hell....Chamish
Muslim Crackdown in Egypt...Jesuit Hatred Expand
Putin Kisses Pope's Ring...God Help Us
More Ground Zero Heroes Come Forward
Gonzales Questions Habeas Corpus
FDNY Bursts Giuliani's 9/11 Bubble
Iran Rejects One On One Talks With U.S.
What You Need To Know About Taiwan
Putin Meets The Pope
Foreclosures Hit Record High
Collins And Chertoff Lock Horns
Halliburton's Dubai Move
Gatekeepers of the So-Called Left
More Concentration Camps On US Soil
Picture Worth Thousand Words...Nazi Vaticanites
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The New Arctic Beacon
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The Arctic Beacon Will Soon Be Expanding, Making This Web Site Your Daily Stop For Alternative News. Besides Greg's Informative Stories, We Will Be Increasing Coverage on 9/11 and Other Stories From Around The Globe.
The Arctic Beacon, the last frontier of truth, is an alternative news publication and radio broadcast founded on the principles of free speech fundamentally protected by the U.S. Constitution. Free speech was not intended to be a reckless adventure in communication, but a voyage into diverse, conflicting and unpopular viewpoints. This voyage, however, should be confidently navigated without overly broad financial, social or moral constraints. Unfortunately, the mainstream media has never followed such a course. Instead, acting as an intellectual prostitute, lacking the courage to report the truth and express honest opinions.
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Bronze Arctic Members Get Greg's Audio Articles: Listen as Greg reads his daily story with added comments only for Arctic Beacon Bronze Members: $40 for six months or $60 yearly. Soon you will be able to come to the Arctic Beacon for subscription payment and special Bronze password only offered to members and listen to Greg tell the real inside story.
Silver Arctic Members Get Greg's Audio Articles plus follow weekly The Plight of Slats Grobnik, as he desperately tries to save America for the clutches of Rome and the New World Order, written as only Greg can in his highly entertaining and satirical fashion. Plus as added bonus for Arctic Beacon Silver Members get Confessions with the Jesuits, a weekly feature, pointing to the Society of Jesus being the henchman for the Vatican, the real spiritual leaders of the New World Order. The fee for Silver Membership is $65 for six months and $85 yearly. Soon you will be able to come to the the Arctic Beacon for subscription payment and special Silver password only offered to members and listen to Greg tell the real inside story.
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