Fraud andImmorality -
The Competitors –Pages 110-112
In ecclesiastical circles, and particularly in the Vatican Curia, homosexuality is either a slander that taints the victim for the rest of his life, or a competition that prelates enter to see how much they can get away with. It is, nevertheless, a dangerous sport played by the less sophisticated. In some Vatican circles, the phenomenon of homosexuality–a state of being that today is regarded with clemency and understanding– can help a hopeful candidate advance more quickly and cause a rival to lose the desire to present himself for promotion. The intrigues are cruel, and the protagonists are even more so.
In the list of hopefuls for promotion, the one who gives himself from the waist down has a better chance than the one who gives his heart and mind to the service of God and his brothers. In those cases, charm is worth more than merit.
For many prelates in the Curia, the beautiful boy attracts more goodwill and favor than the intelligent one. Subjects can easily detect effeminacy in the tastes of their superior and they will play it to their advantage. The madonno, with his masculine attributes yet feminine bearing, often exploits his ambiguity and pleasing features for as long as he is able.
In a diocese in Italy, a young man took his bishop to civil court on charges of sexual abuse. Although the bishop naturally denied everything, the judge ruled against him and ordered a suspended sentence. When asked for his resignation, the monsignor [in many countries this title refers to bishops] demanded an appointment in the Roman Curia; otherwise he wasn't going anywhere.
In the national civil code, this method of blackmailing is punishable as a crime; in the ecclesiastical code, the demand is justified by that golden rule promoveatur ut amoveatur, which means, "let it be moved forward so that it can be put aside." Individuals are promoted to higher offices to remove them from the ones they have tarnished. Confidently and nonchalantly, that bishop was transferred to Rome and appointed to a position in the Curia that was invented especially for him to keep him hidden. Nobody listened to the reluctant head of the ministry who did not want to accept him. In his own show of disapproval, however, he refused to provide the offender with a chair for his desk. However, it didn't matter because the mischievous prelate did not stay long in that office either. Having ably and shamelessly played the head of the ministry, who now found himself in an uncomfortable situation, he was promoted to secretary in another ministry according to the same golden rule.
SOME TIME AGO IN ROME, THE POLICE PULLED Up beside a custom-built car parked under the trees by the Circus Maximus. Noticing that the occupants were half-dressed, the officers took them to the precinct for questioning. The next day, the papers published the name of the prelate, whose weakness was well known, along with the name of his special friend.
From that day on, the nasty Curialists started to jokingly twist the Latin aphorism Si non caste, saltem caute, which means, "If not chaste, at least be careful," into Si non caste, saltem castel, which means, "If not entirely chaste, at least castle." This new aphorism made a reference to both the name of the protagonist and his failure to take proper refuge for his erotic arrangement. Because the prelate was the son of a well-known diplomat, he was destined for promotion despite his lifestyle. He was first promoted to undersecretary, and finally to archbishop and secretary of the ministry. O Lord, you are prodigal even with the wayward!
As punishment, God had Isaiah tell Israel: "And I will give childrento be their princes and the effeminate shall rule over them." [3:4]
Justice and the Liturgy Pages 164-166
The Manipulated Liturgy . . . Since the reform, in complete transition, humanity has become the lead actor, the director who manipulates the liturgy to make it conform to our needs: "Let us go and celebrate that which we have prepared for Christ." Reduced to this, the liturgy is nothing more than a container of pedagogic and humanitarian concerns with teachings professed by didactic masters. The liturgy has become a laughingstock where all we do is listen. They claim that dialogue damages the intelligence of the celebration more than it fosters it, but nothing could be more devastating to the liturgy than treating it as a lesson to be lectured.
The liturgy, as part of the theological truth, should have been better respected and protected. Instead, it has been completely destroyed. A professor, employing the crudest language, called the reform a liturgical rape committed before the whole world.
The new liturgy lies marginalized and prey to the abuse of any liturgical manipulator. The guardian of eternal truths, rich in art and thought, the liturgy is subject to the contemporary master of ceremonies who bastardizes the liturgy and pompously imposes it on the whole assembly, from the Pope to the altar boy. "Wherefore the Lord said, Forasmuch as this people draw near to me with their mouth, and with their lips do honor me, but have removed their heart far from me, and their fear toward me is taught by the precept of men."
Never in the history of religion have people been stripped of their traditions as they have in the Roman Catholic Church with respect to the ancient liturgy, whose reintroduction, in whole or in part, is still forbidden. From the true liturgy that was bolstered with elegiac Latin and Gregorian chant, we have been given compositions without lyricism and aestheticism — two-bit poems with little theological content, devoid of meaning and lacking any literary flourish. We are left with only primitive conceptual art without ideals, vigor, poetry, or music.
The anonymous music of Gregorian chant was the result of centuries of prayer and the search for realities that bring us closer to God. Whoever felt authorized to apply liturgical reform by excluding Gregorian chant took his responsibilities too far along the road to secularization. There is nothing left to do but watch the parades and dancing that the television broadcasts from the papal ceremonies—events produced and directed by individuals who know nothing and care little about the liturgy.
Inspired by that immortal motto of Christ "nova et vetera" (the new and the ancient), the ancient is rejuvenated in the new and the new is consecrated in the ancient. Lavoisier's observation: "Nothing is created; nothing is made; everything is transformed," applies to Church reform when it is inspired by divine tradition. When he founded his Church, the Divine Teacher knew it would be a turbulent reign, so he warned: "Again, the kingdom of heaven is like unto a net, that was cast into the sea, and gathered of every kind; or unto a man that is a householder, which bringeth forth out of his treasure things new and old." [Mt. 13:47,52]
In this spiritual context, we hear that the traditionalists fought for the observance of tradition and ancient customs. The others, the progressive ones, championed the creative and the new. The powers that be must keep watch over this conflict, which has become an indispensable source of progress. He who accepts new choices accepts the risk of losing what is discarded.
AT THE TIME OF VATICAN II, MANY WORKED diligently at establishing who was issuing the orders to reject the ancient liturgical traditions. The customs are the untouchable patrimony of the Church, whose secular roots originate at the time of the Apostles who, in turn, descend from the Chosen People of the Old Testament. As it turned out, the culprit was none other than the Secretary of the papal Department for the Divine Cult, Archbishop Annibale Bugnini.
After following him for some time and observing his residence, the secret service followed him to the Masonic headquarters of the Great Orient of Italy. It seems that Bugnini was working for the grand master who was paying him handsome monthly sums for his services. One of his paychecks was even photocopied and published in a well-known magazine in 1975. The following October, newspaper articles indicated that Bugnini had vanished from the Curia and that nobody knew his whereabouts. The dispatch with which Monsignor Bugnini was dismissed was intended to be a diplomatic and political lesson.
The Masonic prelates of the Curia ensured that the two members of their confraternity, Bugnini and Baggio, were spared the wrath of Paul VI who had been informed of a plot against him by the secret service under the command of Enrico Mino. Enraged, the Pope had Bugnini sent to Iran as nuncio, where he remained until his death in 1982.
Defenders of the Faith In 1563, the Venetian ambassador to Rome, Alvise Contarini, wrote: "Here adulation disguises itself as honesty, intrigue as shrewdness. Every vice appears in costume: all honesty, all honorable, all that is necessary to profit, the only deity that they adorn. Simulation is the soul of the Roman court." On the eve of 2000, nothing has changed.
X V I I Communism in the Vatican Pages 167-173
Lenin believed that the Secretary of a Communist Party in a Catholic state must dress himself in a Franciscan robe to succeed.
In 1935, the secret service indicated that, during those years, approximately 100 Communist students had infiltrated the seminaries and novitiates of Western Europe where, feigning a true religious vocation, they prepared to become priests. Once ordained, the party intended to place them in the most important and sensitive positions in their respective national churches. During the sixties and seventies, the phenomenon became so serious that there were conflicts and protests over the many Communist priests in the seminaries and novitiates.
In the 1920s, under the pseudonym of Caesar, Antonio Gramsci made the following prophetic observation in his New Order: "Christ's red tunic blazes more brightly today, more red, more Bolshevik. There is a strip of that tunic in the innumerable red flags of the Communists who are storming the bourgeois fortresses around the world, in order to restore the kingdom of the spirit on the material, and to ensure peace on earth for all men of good will."
Devastating Effects During the 1970s, the Slovak bishop Monsignor Pavel Hnilica was expelled from the Soviet Union, where he had been detained. The Vatican assured the Russians that he would be persuaded to transfer to the United States. But, as soon as he was released, the prelate revealed his intentions to serve the faithful behind the Iron Curtain from Rome. Occasionally, an official from the Secretariat would invite him to go to the United States to better fulfill his apostolate. The Slovak monsignor promised to move, but always postponed his transfer.
Once, returning by plane from one of the East Bloc countries, Hnilica asked the flight attendant to bring him a copy of Pravda, the Russian newspaper, so that he could remain informed on what was happening in the communist countries. To his surprise, he found an article stating that he, the bishop, had requested and been granted a transfer to the United States. The prelate, knowing how things work in those countries, folded the paper and put it away. Three days later, he was summoned to the Secretariat of State to be received by a high-ranking official who informed him, in no uncertain terms, that he was to be transferred to the States. He was given only a few days to make the necessary arrangements. Monsignor Hnilica had brought along the copy of Pravda and, with composure, found the article. He showed it to the official and translated it for him. Then, in an impressive manner, he said: "Monsignor, what game are we playing at?"
As it happened, nothing came of' the incident, and Hnilica stayed in Rome where he resides today. Obviously, they couldn't outsmart him, but he didn't escape completely unscathed. Some time later, he was implicated in a money-laundering scam, perhaps as retribution for his refusal to leave.
IN 1956, DON PASQUALE UVA, FOUNDER OF THE House of Divine Providence in Bisceglie, somewhat belatedly invited a young aspiring priest from Basilicata into his new fraternity. He told the directors of the regional seminary that he was willing to vouch for the young priest whose name was Sanomonte. He was intelligent and exemplary in every respect, though he was somewhat withdrawn. In his personal notes, the prefect of his dormitory remarked: "More or less cautious and not too talkative, but kind to all."
Meanwhile, the academic year was coming to an end. One muggy afternoon, about thirty members of his dormitory went for a walk through the town. Generally, Sanomonte preferred to be last in line, and this day was no exception. Suddenly, he bent down to pull up his socks, keeping an eye on the group as they turned the corner. He looked angrily at the shuttered door of the local Communist party offices. An obese fellow with his hands behind his back was leaning against the shutter as if he were waiting for it to open. With a little trepidation, thinking about his classmates who had disappeared from sight, he mustered the courage to approach the stranger, and said: "Comrade, give this sealed package to the comrade secretary ... Don't forget: deliver it sealed!" But, he had made a terrible mistake. The fellow hanging around the party office was the most fervent Christian Democrat in town, named Peruzzi. Sneakily, Peruzzi had followed Sanomonte's every move and now, with the package in his possession, he asked himself what he should do.
He spent three days deciding whether to turn it over to the Communist secretary. Perhaps Sanomonte had a relative there. Should he destroy the package? Should he leave it closed, or read the contents? Should he take up the matter with the rector of the seminary? What would he say? He remained puzzled until he prodded the corner of the envelope with a letter opener and it opened. He proceeded to read: "Dear comrade secretary, I find myself a long way from home studying in this regional seminary. I urgently need to see you to work out a plan for the immediate future. Family visits are permitted on Thursdays from four o'clock on, in the parlor on the ground floor. You should visit and pose as my uncle. All the best, Andrea Sanomonte."
Peruzzi, who delighted in gossip, couldn't believe his luck. He arranged for a meeting with the rector in absolute secrecy. He related precisely what had transpired and then handed over the letter in the open envelope. That evening, with the vice-rector and the prefect of the dormitory, he carefully searched Sanomonte's desk and personal effects. It appeared to the three of them that they were unsuccessful. They had uncovered some suspicious notes, some Communist writings, his day planner with indecipherable scribblings, but nothing of any real consequence.
This was the first time that something like this had happened, and they were unsure of how to proceed. They consulted the police, who had them bring the letter to the precinct for a detailed examination. In consultation with Don Uva, they decided that Sanomonte should be sent home until the matter was settled. When the whole incident was over, the rector received a reprimand from the appropriate ministry in Rome, which was annoyed at not having been immediately informed of the case.
Among the apparently harmless figures transcribed in Sanomonte's day planner were some secret codes that revealed the cargo and destination of an Italian warship in the Pacific Ocean—information that only high-ranking military and naval personnel were privy to. The military department was located in a tunnel beneath the Santa Rosa barracks near La Storta, a suburb of Rome, and was a top-secret location that extended over eighteen kilometres underground. A shroud of utter secrecy descended on the matter and it was never raised again.
SINCE THE MID-THIRTIES, HOW MANY OF THOSE false seminarians became priests? How many became bishops and cardinals? Everyone remembers the demise of Cardinal Alfredo Ottaviani who, in a post-conciliar article, addressed a number of ecclesiastics as "little Communists of the sacristy."
The Communist current in the Roman Curia adopted a policy of ostpolitik toward the Communist bloc and its leaders. Among the many martyrs of this policy was the Hungarian primate Cardinal Josiph Mindszenty, who was condemned to death for high treason against the atheist ideology of his country. His sentence was later commuted to life imprisonment, first by the Communists and then by the ostpoliticians from the Vatican. The Vatican also expelled him as primate, citing the historical compromises with the atheist Magyars.
The Secretary of State, Agostino Casaroli, who died in June 1988, gave a television interview in which he boasted of having forged ahead with the Communist governments through his policy of ostpolitik, and of having achieved significant and dazzling results. But, the next day, the press asked rhetorically: "If men of the Church, such as Montini and Casaroli, hadn't fueled their love affair with the countries behind the Iron Curtain, how much earlier would the Berlin Wall have fallen?" Unfortunately, we will never know the answer.
While Christ and his faithful suffered in lunatic asylums, prisons, and labor camps in the East, atheism was alive and well in the Vatican, proclaiming that God was finally dead. The priests and bishops in the asylums and camps were shown photographs and newsreels documenting cordial meetings between ranking prelates and Communist government officials. They were presented with these images so that they would realize they were the last of a stubborn breed that refused to sign that insignificant little document renouncing the Catholic Church and aligning themselves with the Communist regime, thereby regaining their freedom.
The term "ostpoliticians" is a reference to the policy of Communists adoptingtrade and diplomatic relations with non-Communist nations.
A primate is a bishop of the highest rank in a province or country.
Between 1903 and 1917, Bolsheviks (radical members of Russia's Social Democratic party), advocated immediate and forceful seizure of power by the proletariat, and attempted to usurp all established powers, including those of the Church.
WHEN STALIN, WHO FEARED THE POPE'S ARMY more than any other, realized that the Bolshevik persecution of the Church had yielded only small results, he decided to change tactics: he had to corrupt it from within to do the most damage.
The fruits of that policy were so abundant that other organizations, which continue to propagate and spread social atheism around the world, have adopted his model.
Inside the Confessional Satan, the Prince of Darkness, cunningly plots the moves of his followers. Today, his attack is a frontal one, and he boldly appears in the open. He wants everyone to know that he commands an infernal strategy, assisted by rapidly growing satanic sects.
Satan's logic states that you don't have to go against God when you can go without him. The world models this principle by permitting human egoism in churchly affairs and by promoting an irreligious materialism. Satan encourages men to fulfill the exact opposite of the beatitudes.
ONE EVENING, IN THE POPULAR PILGRIMAGE destination of the Roman sanctuary of Divine Love, a penitent approached the confessional. He was particularly upset and embarrassed, and the confessor encouraged him to open his soul.
"Father, I don't know where to begin or whether you will be able to absolve me. I have a great weight on my conscience; I even fear that you may be shocked and surprised by what I have to say."
"My son, don't worry yourself about that. At the end of the day, we liken ourselves to dumps where everyone unloads their burdens. Where would we dump our bundle of guilt if not here in confession? That's what we are here for."
"Father, I am part of a satanic sect where I play an important role. I have enlisted many others."
"How long has this been going on?"
"Father, I have been actively involved for about ten years." "And why have you come here today? You are not confessing yourself you are only sharing your worry, which is not enough to be absolved. You need to provide details in order to be absolved. What sins have you committed?"
"I convinced others to take part in black masses and other satanic rituals. The other day, though, I was invited to attend a black mass in a place where I never thought such a ritual could be celebrated."
"Where?" asked the priest from behind the grille. "At the Vatican."
"Is that possible? What you are saying is incredible! Are you certain? Who else was present?"
"Believe me, Father, I am not here to tell you lies. I'm a mess. I'm no longer at peace with myself. I don't know what is happening to me. I had always derided the act of religious confession. I even passed that derision on to others. I am now ashamed to take a step backward, but I can no longer go forward after this experience. I am overwhelmed by grief!"
"Who else was present? Did you know them?"
"It wasn't possible to see them because we were all hooded from head to toe. For satanic rituals, you are naked underneath, but hooded from head to toe. The voices were deep and unrecognizable. I felt honored to be invited; but, now I curse the day that I accepted to go. Father, what does one do in a case like this? What must I do in the future?"
It was late and the church was packed with believers from a charismatic group that was busy singing, praying, and displaying their praise for the Trinity and the Holy Virgin. It was almost midnight when the penitent left the confessional and merged with the others.
JOHN WROTE, "AND IT WAS NIGHT," TO EMPHASIZE the time when Judas chose to leave the Last Supper and make his way to the place where he was to betray Christ. "And the Lord says: Woe to the contaminated and arrogant city, I will eliminate the braggarts from your midst and you will cease to be proud."
The Masonic brothers reveal their identity to one another through secret handshakes. If one wants to identify himself, he taps lightly three times with the right thumb on the back of the other's thumb. If the other is complicit, he responds with the same gesture either immediately or at their next meeting. This ceremonial handshake is practiced by the Masonic laymen as a sort of identity card. Some even greet their ecclesiastical counterparts this way. But, among themselves, the ecclesiastics are much more prudent and avoid this blatant gesture.
X V I I IFreemasonry in the Vatican Pages 174-187
Based solely on reason, deism is the belief that God created,abandoned, and exerts no control over the universe.
Rationalism is the philosophical belief that, through reason alone,man can arrive the basic truth about the world.
Inspired by deism and rationalism, Freemasonry is religious in its own way. It posits a great architect of the universe that every individual in the order can call whatever he or she wants. There is only one creator of the existing reality in the universe who is constantly building. Each Mason works toward contributing to the great architect's project. This belief promotes both rationalism and faith through rites and prayers directed toward a deified universal reality.
Every secret association that depends on the Masonic order must help and collaborate with other members of the order. The Masonic organism intends to expand its dominion over economic, political, military, and religious organizations to create one world government obtained through either consensus or conquest. For the Freemasons, Satan is also part of this reality. They accept Satan since reverence for the architect encompasses his whole creation, including Satan, who participates in the universal reality.
Whoever is invited to join the Masonic family must undergo a rigorous initiation, including a three-year apprenticeship during which one receives three degrees — apprentice, guild member, and, finally, master of the lodge. All promotions are confirmed by secret vote. The title of master confers upon the member the right to speak in the temple.
The Masonic Octopus The Roman culture is extremely exclusive, and noble and aristocratic titles are not enough to break into it. The Church is even more exclusive. However, the Freemasons have waltzed into it from servants' quarters without so much as a word. Freemasonry generally doesn't attempt to change the environment that it infiltrates. In the Vatican, the bastion of the Catholic Church, Freemasonry arms itself with diabolical patience and waits. It waits until it can accede to the most powerful positions and infiltrate the command structure. Such sects have systematically infiltrated central organizations throughout history because they realize that these groups are the beacons that transmit and receive the most important messages. The ability to transmit messages so diffusely is tantamount to destroying the immune defenses of the human mind. In response, Giuseppe De Mestre proposed: "Believe as little as possible without being a heretic, so that you can obey as little as possible without being a rebel."
The fact that the invisible hand of the Masons exists at the highest level in the Vatican is not a fabrication. It is evident in the hiring, firing, and promoting of candidates. This center that should, by divine mandate, be a lighthouse is instead a tumor that poisons the Church from within.
When he took the papal seat in 1730, Clement XII confronted poor finances, a large deficit, and an exasperated public. He encouraged the arts and manufacturing, and modernized commerce laws.
A Papal Bull is a pronouncement that is more solemnthan a papal brief or an encyclical. If someone were to damage the painting of the Universal Judgment in the Sistine Chapel, the world would protest, but the infiltration of the Vatican by the Masons is a more serious violation since it twists the minds and sacredness of the Christian heart. Believers are disoriented by contradictory and ambiguous realities, and cannot stop and control fluid and dynamic events.
Today, the octopus of Freemasonry is rampant in the Vatican. Its long, opaque tentacles are everywhere, but hidden. It surfaces in secret agents placed in offices and sinister mercenaries who enjoy the vile and noble organized underworld. It strikes with precision and forethought, and its blow is so severe that one realizes one's own impotence and understands that retaliation would be more damaging to the self than the beast.
Many magazines and newspapers have written about the Masonic infiltration of the Vatican. For two centuries, the Freemasons have continued to thwart the true Church in Rome. Clement XII imposed an excommunication on the Freemasons in 1738 with a Papal Bull. This lasted until 1974, when Jesuit father Giovanni Caprile, in a conciliatory article called "Catholic Civility," reassured the Catholics affiliated with Freemasonry: "If your faith as a Catholic doesn't detect anything systematically hostile and organized in the Masonic group to which you belong, against the Church and its principle doctrines and morality, you can remain in the organization. You should no longer feel yourself excommunicated, and therefore like all other believers, you are entitled to share in the sacraments and participate fully in the life of the Church. You do not need a special absolution from the excommunication."
In reality, a large number of Catholics and Masonic prelates had been "participating fully in the life of the church" for years. As soon as Monsignor Montini arrived as the Archbishop of Milan, he appointed the most Catholic Mason, Michele Sindona, as his financial adviser. Later, as Pope, he placed the financial fate of the Institute for the Work of Religion in the undisputed criminal and thieving hands of Sindona and his partner, Roberto Calvi, who employed the services of two other Masons of the Propaganda 2 (P2) Lodge, Licio Gelli and Umberto Ortolani.
In 1987, the Masonic journalist Pier Carpi confirmed the recruitment of "brother" Fulberto Lauro, who claimed that the P2 Lodge included cardinals and bishops among its members. He indicated that it was called the "Ecclesia Lodge" and that it was in direct contact with the grand master of the United Lodge of England, Michael, the Duke of Kent. That particular lodge had been in place in the Vatican since 1971. More than 100 cardinals, bishops, and monsignors are among its members. They manage to maintain the utmost secrecy, but not enough to escape every investigation.
The Catholic Mexican magazine Trial (no. 832, October 12, I992) reported that Masonry had divided the Vatican into eight territories, four of which were Masonic lodges of the Scottish rite whose members were all high-ranking officials in the Vatican. Because these groups are independent of one another, the members are unknown to each other even if they tap three times with their thumb. When necessary, these lodges forge contacts with the Masonic lodges of other countries. In those places where the Church operates clandestinely because of the Koran, relations with the local church run secretly through sectarian lines that perform a religious service for their brothers in the Vatican Stanzas.
The Vatican Stanzas are the halls, rooms, and abodes of the Vatican. While maintaining relations with the Apostolic See, countries in the Islamic bloc, in accordance with the Koran, continue to forbid any form of Catholic proselytizing. The respective governments appoint the most zealous Masonic brothers as ambassadors to the Vatican. They are instructed on how to interact differently with the hated ecclesiastics and their own spiritual "brothers" inclined toward Masonry, many of whom occupy high-ranking positions in the Vatican. Together, they try to steer the ailing John Paul II, who walks slowly and suffers from amnesia.
The press continues to identify cardinals and high-level dignitaries, along with other prelates who are affiliated with Masonic lodges within, and associated with, the Vatican. However, none of them are fazed by the accusations. On occasion, one or two will deny the charges or demand a retraction out of concern for their good name or, perhaps, in deference to the office or department they serve. Their silence doesn't honor the axiom "that which is asserted gratuitously, is denied gratuitously," because, in the Vatican, he who remains silent consents.
False Apostles and Fraudulent Workers How does a Freemason infiltrate the Vatican offices? Or, how does an ecclesiastic of the Curia become a Freemason? These questions were posed to a prelate in the Curia by a young priest who was working in an Islamic country and who was distressed by the constant anti-Catholic propaganda shown on television there.
The young priest stated: "When it is convenient, our nation pretends to ignore the Catholic Church, the Pope, and the hierarchy; but, when a scandal is rumored, it is presented to the public in detail, to denigrate it altogether. The entire press corps is mobilized to report the deeds and misdeeds, armed with facts. They speak of this Cardinal Secretary of State, or that bishop, and still many more prelates affiliated with the Masons. They have the first names and family names of some of them, the date of their initiation, the positions they occupy in the Vatican, and even their lodge affiliations. Our small Catholic communities in these countries are left literally dumbfounded by these reports, and the authorities turn to us for explanations on the authenticity of these developments and how to respond to them. You, Monsignor, what do you think? Is it possible for a cardinal or a prelate in the Curia to join a Masonic lodge and collaborate with the grand master? It seems incredible that such a thing could happen. If it isn't true, why doesn't the accused sue the slanderers in national and international courts? Why doesn't the Vatican intervene through its apostolic nuncio and officially deny so many scandalous assertions?"
The young priest was equally concerned about the rumors surrounding the death of Pope John Paul I, which was shrouded in mystery. Claims were circulating that he had been murdered, but these rumors were fueled almost entirely by circumstantial evidence. During another scandal, the Vatican bank was accused of having an enormous amount of dirty money that had been laundered and deposited in foreign banks. Referring to these two events, the young priest commented: "They are naming high-ranking Vatican dignitaries as accomplices of the leaders of the Italian Freemasons. There is talk of murders, suicides, and arrest warrants being issued by the Italian government for members of the institute for the Work of Religion. They are talking about the dismissal of Monsignor Marcinkus and of the promotion of Donato De Bonis to the Order of Malta. I will give you another example: after the attempt on the Pope's life, the newspapers published a photograph of him seated beside the pool at his summer residence at Castelgandolfo. They further claimed that it had been taken by a Vatican employee, unbeknownst to security officials, and that it had been found in Ali Agca's possession on the day of the botched assassination, May 13, 1981. The photo was apparently bought for three hundred thousand dollars by the P2 member, Licio Gelli, who is reported to have told his `brother,' Vanni Nisticò: `It was worth it; if these photos can be taken of the Pope, imagine how easy it will be to shoot him!' For those of us surrounded by enemies of the faith, these assertions are particularly disruptive and they threaten to undermine us."
The Institute for the Work of Religion is the papal bank.
A religious and military brotherhood, the Order of Malta's leadersmust take religious vows of celibacy, poverty, and obedience.
Ali Agca is a Turkish national who shot and seriously woundedPope John Paul II in 1981. As he concluded these remarks, the monsignor noticed that his colleague was profoundly dismayed. He knew that the young priest was tirelessly devoted to the young in his country, and that he had to provide him with a serious answer.
"You see, my dear brother, yours is a question that we all ask ourselves. The photograph of the shirtless Pope was taken from inside his summer residence by an insider whose identity everyone wants to know. Personally, I do not side with those who want to deny everything at any cost, as if, for example, the attempt on Pope John Paul II was nothing but a simple hunting accident. The ostrich that buries its head in the sand as the storm approaches to avoid its wrath becomes its victim. This is how I see it.
"I consider the idea impossible that a Freemason would leave his lodge, find himself a prelate or cardinal of consequence, and propose that he join the Masons. That this dignitary should then, as if nothing were the matter, immediately agree and join the side that destroys the very God he has taken vows to serve is equally unthinkable. On the other hand, it is difficult to contest that Freemasons exist among the ecclesiastics and have penetrated the upper levels of the Roman Curia.
"You alluded to the dirty money that the self-declared Masons funneled out of the country with the cooperation of high-ranking ecclesiastical dignitaries of the bank, whose story broke during the 1994 trial on the Enimont scandal. During these proceedings, it was revealed that more than $100 million had been laundered through the Vatican for ignoble Masonic ends, and that the curious death of the son of one of the principal actors, Roberto Calvi, who was found hanged under Blackfriars Bridge in London, was likely a casualty of criminal activities. So you see, Freemasons are definitely at work in the Vatican, even if its headquarters is elsewhere. Pope John Paul I should have known immediately when journalist Paolo Panerai, on August 31, 1978, suddenly addressed a mournful open letter to the Pope in the influential economic weekly Il Mondo: `Holiness, is it right that the Vatican operates in the stock market like a speculator? Is it right that the bank intervenes in the illegal transfer of capital from Italy to other countries? Is it fair that the bank helps Italians avoid paying taxes?' The Pope hadn't even recovered from the shocking questions directed at him when, on September 12, the weekly publication directed by Mino Pecorelli, a Mason who was later murdered, published a list of 121 names of Vatican representatives and important prelates affiliated with the Masons.
"`And the Lord said unto Moses, stretch out thine hand toward heaven, that there may be darkness over the land of Egypt, even a darkness that may be felt.' By touch, a blind man can tell a table from a chair, even though he cannot see it; the Masons in the Vatican operate in much the same way: you can feel them, but you can't see them. Paul VI realized the Masonic presence in the Vatican, and told the world about it, calling it Satan's smoke. He knew that the smoke had penetrated and darkened the temple of the Lord from that Masonic crack. Last century, the Masonic strategy favored a frontal attack on the Catholic Church, but it didn't work. This century, it changed its approach, understanding that it was much more profitable to infiltrate its ranks. This tactic required patience, and enough time to select and train the best candidates for the task. Supported by unlimited resources, the most competent individuals are prepared to penetrate the upper echelons of the hierarchy, and to select and co-opt ecclesiastics in order to gain bright futures in the Church's administration."
AT THE END OF THE I940S, POPE PIUS XII WAS already disturbed and terrified by the thought that atheism, very much in vogue under the guises of Freemasonry and Communism, would infiltrate the Church. In July 1949, a small village was celebrating the ordination of a young priest, Don Francesco, the only son of extremely poor parents who had lived sparingly for years in order to send him to the seminary. The newly ordained priest decided to take his parents to Rome, a city they would never have been able to visit, as a way of thanking them for their kindness. He planned to pay for the trip and their lodgings with the donations he had received. They set off in their Sunday best and didn't sleep at all during the entire trip. At dawn, the mother gazed out upon the houses of the suburbs as if she were in a dream. In her lifetime, she had never imagined that she would visit Rome—the Pope's city and the capital of Christianity.
Their small hotel was near the Vatican, and they began their tour by visiting the basilicas and other notable monuments of ancient Rome. At Saint Peter's, the visit was more detailed, with Don Francesco acting as a guide and translating the Latin inscriptions as best he could. In the square, he pointed out the Pope's studio apartment. Pius XII wasn't in the habit of greeting believers from his balcony as his successor John XXIII started to do.
The mere mention of the Pope filled his mother with the desire to see him. Don Francesco told her: "Mother, only heads of state, ambassadors and, from time to time, cardinals can visit with the Pope."
A few days later, near the end of their stay, they tried to contact some distant relatives and old acquaintances. Among these friends was a captain in the police force who had enjoyed a marvelous career in the service. He was the pride of the village and revered by all. When Don Francesco contacted him, he was delighted to hear from them and eager to meet.
The captain took great interest in their Roman sojourn and in everything they were able to accomplish. Don Francesco spoke for his parents, listing all the monuments that they had seen and expressing their amazement. He also related his mother's impossible desire to get close to the Pope. "Do you want to see the Pope?" asked the captain. "But no, Captain," replied Don Francesco, "I have already explained the matter to my mother. We have seen so much already and have so much to tell our relatives." But the captain, with that proposal fixed in his mind, asked the priest to give him the address and telephone number of the hotel where they were staying, and told them, as he accompanied them to the door, that he would be in touch.
At dinner that evening, a waiter approached their table and told Don Francesco that a police captain wanted a word with him on the telephone. He rushed up the stairs and listened to the following instructions: "Be at the Arch of the Bells to the left of Saint Peter's Basilica tomorrow at 9:30. You will be accompanied by car to the private elevator and then to the Pope's apartment. At 10:00, you will be received for a private audience with His Holiness. Obviously, you should dress appropriately and be punctual and, above all, I beg you to exercise the utmost discretion." Don Francesco wasn't able to respond before the phone went dead at the other end.
The audience with the Pope lasted twenty minutes and went off exactly as planned.
In the village, nobody believed that such a poor family could have had a private audience with the Pope. They thought that the young priest was boasting, eager to make a name for himself. Truthfully, not even Don Francesco understood what had happened.
After a year, that captain, who had since been promoted to major, died of a sudden heart attack. From the papers, Don Francesco learned that the officer had been master of the Masonic lodge in Palazzo Giustiniani, in Rome, for the last eighteen months. Perhaps his securing of the audience for three of his townsfolk had been part of an initiation test—a way of proving just how much influence he had on the other side of the Tiber. With the goodwill of John XXIII, he was able to orchestrate the whole affair.
A SPECIFIC DEPARTMENT EXISTS IN THE MASONIC order whose sole responsibility is to recruit young collaborators from among the ecclesiastics. Qualified recruits must possess a strong intellect, lively intuition, ambition, lust for power, good communication skills, the ability to understand and to pretend not to understand, and, finally, a good form and good looks. Once these qualities are identified in an ecclesiastic, the process of winning him over begins. It is of the utmost importance that, during the first phase, the subject remains oblivious to the trap that is being set. Masonic techniques employ a gradual progression so that the candidate gradually learns the sect's goal, as the superiors see fit.
The ways of co-opting recruits are many, and they vary from person to person. The first phase may involve techniques as simple as an invitation to an embassy to celebrate a national day, an unexpected meeting with someone who says he is delighted to have made his acquaintance, or a prelate who asks for something and says that he is indebted. Then comes the praising and cajoling stage: "What a marvelous and kind person you are; what intelligence; what manners; what exquisiteness! How is it possible? You deserve better; you are wasted where you are. Shall we go on a first-name basis? Let's think of a better placement for you!" We then enter the prospect phase: "I know this prelate, that cardinal, that ambassador, or such and such a minister. If you wanted, or were not opposed, I could put in a word for you. I will tell them that you deserve a higher office; for example, undersecretary of a ministry, bishop in . . ., nuncio in . . ., private secretary to . . .," and so on.
At this point, the agent realizes immediately whether the ecclesiastic has swallowed the hook, even if he modestly claims: "I am not worthy. I am not up to it. I am a simple man. Others are better than me," and so on. The agent is well trained, and knows that prudence is the virtue of the strong, and that false modesty is the virtue of the ambitious.
Slowly, promises are kept and the candidate begins to feel a debt of gratitude toward his sponsor-friend, whom he considers his benefactor. Meanwhile, his career is progressing smoothly, and the possibilities seem endless. Now, as the subject falls prey to ambition and vanity, he enters the phase where he is informed of the motivating factor behind his rise through the ranks. The revelation usually goes something like this: "Monsignor, Excellency, you must know that your rapid rise is due more to the Masonic order, and all of its friends in and outside the Vatican, than to me. They have orchestrated your prestigious rise to important positions in the Church. As you can see, you don't have to worry because many influential people already hold you in high regard. You are now free to decide whether to remain where you are and collaborate with our organization in the future, or not."
In this delicate phase, the prelate, in a state of crisis, must decide which road to travel. His ambition craves greater advancement, but he is bewildered by the introduction to the Masonic order. He fears being exposed if he doesn't join, and imagines the emptiness around him if he does. The fraternal advice of an older dignitary who stayed in the Masonic order and continued his career success convinces the prelate, in spite of himself, to remain on the path he has started.
Ensconced in the ecclesiastical environment, the first duty of the new Mason is to appear as credible as possible to those around him. He must keep his promises and, where possible, cast aspersions on and falsely characterize the best and most noble prelates in his office, becoming yet another pawn to that secret fraternity with infinite potential for advancement. Satan's realm relishes positioning the false in place of the true, so that right can be made to appear wrong. Voltaire convinced his followers: "If you believe that God made you in his image and likeness, try turning the tables. Make yourselves a God in your image, with your evils and defects—powerful, vindictive, dominant, ambitious, and hungry for power. The more you are convinced by him, the more you will believe that he suits you to a `T,' discoloring and eventually extinguishing the other God in you, the real one." This is exactly what the Freemasons do with their illustrious young novices and how, with the assistance of important individuals such as Licio Gelli, Michele Sindona, Roberto Calvi, Umberto Ortolani, and the rest of the Propaganda 2 Lodge, they undermine the true Church of Christ.
AT THIS POINT, THE YOUNG PRIEST SAID: "Monsignor, your analysis brings to mind something that happened to me about four years ago that went exactly as you have described.
"One morning, right after mass, the sacristan approached me and told me that there was a distinguished visitor who wanted to meet with me. He was apparently the Great Rabbi of Jerusalem. I asked him if he was sure that it was me that he wanted to see, and not my brother, the Vicar General. It was me! I decided to accompany him on a tour of the historical monuments of the city.
The sacristan is the person in charge of the room in a Church that storesthe sacred vessels and vestments, as well as the ceremonial equipment. "When we had finished, he spoke to me in the precise way that you just described, saying that I should have a better position, perhaps in Rome or another diocese. I told him that I wasn't interested, but he insisted that I think it over. He told me to meet him the following day with my decision. In the morning, he had a meeting with the Secretary of State at a convent in Via delle Mura Aureliane, but he said that he would meet me there after mass. He said it was better to meet there than the third loggia where there were many indiscreet eyes and ears. If I wanted, he said he would talk to the Secretary, with whom he was very close, on my behalf.
"After so many years, I now realize that he was trying to recruit me, and I subsequently discovered that he frequented ecclesiastical circles for the Masons."
"For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ. And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light."
True and False Masonic Prelates When the press broke the story, the powerful P2 Lodge was headed by master Licio Gelli in conjunction with Michele Sindona, Roberto Calvi, and Umberto Ortolani, who were all Catholics and Masons implicated in the Ambrosian Bank scandal. The press also alluded to a list of 121 names of prelates, alphabetically arranged and including the dates of their initiation and their lodge affiliation. The list had apparently been in circulation for a few years. The reports resonated inside and outside of the Vatican because many of the names were high-ranking dignitaries of the Curia.
The Church was accused of laundering money through the Institute for the Work of Religion and the Ambrosian Bank. In 1992, investigations showed the bank was missing $1.3 billion. The money was traced to accounts owned by the Vatican.
At the same time, the Masons circulated another list that included many more prelates and laymen in order to confuse the true members with false ones. It was very difficult for members of either group to plead their innocence and the groundless nature of the charges. Those in the Vatican knew that the second list was a ruse. For some time, they had been compiling a list of ecclesiastics and prelates who were suspected of collaborating with the Masons. They decided, however, that a policy of silence was best.
Any reader who wants to know the truth can check the Index of the Papal Yearbook for the nineties and compare it with the names on the initial list of 121 names. Most of the names on that list have enjoyed splendid careers in the Vatican. More than two-thirds of them, some are now dead, occupy positions in the upper echelons of the Roman Curia.
"Righteous art thou, O Lord, when I plead with thee: yet let me talk with thee of thy judgments: wherefore doth the way of the wicked prosper? Wherefore are all they happy that deal very treacherously?"
FOR THOSE ECCLESIASTICS NOT FORTUNATE enough to be chosen, but who are still interested in joining the Masons, the "brothers" start them off by sending them to give lectures at the Rotary or Lions Club in their district. These are cultural clubs where future Masonic members are molded.
The Jesuit magazine Catholic Civilization has clearly shown that these associations maintain close contacts with the Masonic sect. There was quite a fuss over these assertions until Grand Master Giordano Gamberini, in an article that appeared in the Masonic magazine Hiram on February 1, 1981, officially claimed that both the Rotary and the Lions derive from and converge in the Masonic organization. He wrote: "Melvin Jones, master Mason of Chicago, was one of the founders of the Lions. He became General Secretary and Treasurer in 1917. In the Lions, the Masonic origins are evident in the first coat of arms that they chose. The Rotary has had almost identical relations with the Masons."
In 1982, Jesuit Federico Weber became governor of the Rotary district of Sicily-Malta for the first time, without any comment from his superiors. In fact, many well remunerated cardinals encouraged by Cardinal Baggio, who is now thankfully deceased, consider it an honor to accept an invitation from a Rotary dignitary to inaugurate a new office or a new social year.
A PROPHETIC CONFIRMATION OF THIS WILLINGNESS to associate with the Masons comes from an apparition of Jesus to Padre Pio, which he described to his confessor on April 7, 1913: "Friday morning, I was still in bed when Jesus appeared to me. He was extremely disconsolate and disfigured. He showed me a great multitude of priests among whom were church dignitaries. Some were celebrating mass and others were decorating the church and removing their holy vestments. The sight of Jesus in such pain caused me greater pain and I asked him what grieved him. He didn't reply. However, his gaze settled on those priests and then, almost in horror, he turned away and looked back at me. To my great horror there were two tears streaming down his face. He walked away from that crowd of priests in disgust, shouting: `Butchers!' Then, turning to me, he said: `My son, the ingratitude and the sleep of my ministers makes my agony more intense ... they are indifferent, full of contempt, and faithless.' Sadly, Jesus was right to lament our ingratitude! How many of our brothers reciprocate Jesus' love by giving themselves freely to the vile Masonic sect! Let us pray for them."
Jesus revealed this to Padre Pio four years before the revelation at Fatima. The fact that many Church dignitaries have collaborated with the Masons has never been a mystery.
To those who consider themselves indispensable to the government of the Church, while risking scandal at every turn, the Holy Spirit through the prophet Malachi warns: `And now, O ye priests this commandment is for you. If you will not hear, and if you will not lay it to heart, to give glory unto my name, I will even send a curse upon you, and I will curse your blessings. For the priest's lips should keep knowledge, and they should seek the law at his mouth: for he is the messenger of the Lord of hosts. But ye are departed out of the way; ye have caused many to stumble at the law. Therefore have I also made you contemptible and base before all the people." [Malachi 2]
Jesus is much more severe with these people: "Woe unto you scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For ye have omitted the weightier matters of the law, judgment, mercy and faith. Ye blind guides, which strain at a gnat, and swallow a camel." Lord, stay clear of the men who occupy your Church and act as its owners and who claim that they are doing your will on earth, repeating to everyone the refrain: "The temple of the Lord, the temple of the Lord, the temple of the Lord, are these."
The mistakes that have been made in these ecclesiastical environments are the price we must pay for the enormous privilege of profiting from the blood of Christ the Redeemer. We are all guilty of indifference for leaving Christ's love in the care of the profane and the wicked. We are responsible for having destroyed that love with cold, human calculations.
As we approach the millennium and prepare for the jubilee Year, the great powers of light and darkness battle in the most secret rooms of the Vatican, and it is unclear whether Satan will be victorious.
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